Spirited New Tune from Kishi Bashi

kishiIt’s been a whirlwind of a year for Kishi Bashi, who won over so many people with his glorious 151a LP.  But, fans of the artist should be really excited, as he’s readying a brand new 7″, which will serve as the precursor to a new record in the next year. I don’t know how someone can listen to this song and not feel some sort of spiritual upheaval or joyous emotion overtake you; it’s this sort of attitude that has allowed Kishi to become so successful and beloved.  The new 7″ will be very limited, and only made available through Joyful Noise Recordings; it will be available on September 10th.

[soundcloud url=”http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/104424418″ params=”color=ff6600&auto_play=false&show_artwork=false” width=” 100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Experimental Jam from Solos

I always tend to think of Hella as Zach Hill’s project, but Spencer Seim was always a key ingredient in the group’s experimental math rock.  Recently Spencer united with Aaron Ross (not of UT Longhorn lore) to create Solos, a band still working on bending the traditional sounds of rock n’ roll.  The guys will be releasing Beast of Both Worlds via Joyful Noise Recordings on September 11th (going to be a busy day at the record store!), and it’s going to be a pretty intense affair if this single is anything to go by.  Of course, the music seems to be the main ingredient, with the lyrics coming across as secondary.  I’m definitely digging the powerful drumming here, and of course the fuck-it-all style Spencer has always employed.


Download:Solos – Carpe Diem [MP3]

Stripped Down Jam from Helvetia

I’m really digging the sound of this new track from Helvetia, who’ve just signed on with Joyful Noise Recordings.  It’s got a classic 90s indie rock sound, but that doesn’t mean that it’s outdated by any means.  There’s something about the vocal delivery; it’s almost as if there’s a bit of twang or drawl hanging on every note.  As the song changes direction in towards the end, you can see that the group’s not content to settle on any one sound in particular, pushing themselves to include some sonic extensions. You can grab this tune and others on September 11th when the group releases their new record, Nothing In Rambling.


Download:Helvetia – RyBro [MP3]

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