Upbeat Number from Life Size Maps

LSM_LP_Art_hiresYou’re probably tired of hearing about Brooklyn bands, but Life Size Maps seem to be offering something slightly different from your average fare.  The group is crafting pop music of the purest form, utilizing synth hooks and a chorus that will surely find a home in your subconscious.  You’ll tap your toes, you’ll sing along, and you’ll realize that the simplest route is sometimes the best.  Take a ride with these lads, and enjoy your day. Old Flame Records will be releasing the group’s self-titled LP during the first weeks of April.

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New Music from Life Size Maps

The interesting thing about the modern day in music is the combination of electronic elements, atmospherics and other such things amidst the the more traditional instrumentation.  If you’re one of those folks, like me, who takes a liking to such things, then perhaps you’ll dig this track from Life Size Maps.  They’ve just completed their Excavate EP, and it’s definitely an interesting listen.  It’s heavy on the guitar edge, but the rest of the music surrounding that is a mix of various electronic flourishes that add more depth to the EP as a whole.  I quite like this, and if you do too, it’s free on their BANDCAMP.


Download:Life Size Maps – Abstract Speed [MP3]

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