Premiere: New Album from Dreamboat + Release Show

dreamboaAustin’s Dreamboat have been kicking out pop tunes around the city for the last few years, and they’re set to release their new album, Loose Tooth, tomorrow. When listening through these new tracks, I think my favorite bit is the strength of the diversity within the collection. Mary Bryce has this huge bold voice, buton “Neighborhood Bar” she gets to play the balancing harmony; it doesn’t hurt that this tune also sounds like a campfire celebration. Of course, the sultry pop hit of “Spent the Day Lying in Bed” is a great place to spend some repeated plays; you’ll definitely love the way the guitar chords dance around. Personally, “New England” is my personal jam, but I’ll let you press play on the stream below to find your favorite.

The band celebrate the release of Loose Tooth tomorrow at band member Jake’s house. Message them for details!

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New Post Rock from Loose Tooth

loosetoofSometimes you find a band hitting their stride, and it ends up being the perfect sound to your day.  This was much the case when I first tossed on this new song from Loose Tooth; the band are readying the release of their debut Easy Easy East.  While the song opens with an alternative rock bend, they turn things on its side, switching the timing of the track, filling it with discordant guitars and emphatic vocals that blast through your speakers…and then they slow it down.  It’s an approach that makes the band sound as if they’re going all over the place, but they do it in their own organized fashion…making it a success.  Look for their album on April 21st via Fleeting Youth Records.


Download: Loose Tooth – Pickwick Average [MP3]

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