Rock n’ Recipes: Blood

If you haven’t been following our site over the last few months, you might have missed all the great singles that Blood dropped before releasing their excellent Loving You Backwards LP this past Friday. We’re big fans, and were bummed when they left our city to venture off to greener pastures, but it seems to have worked out well for the music. We reached out Tim to ask a few questions and get a quick little recipe for a delicious peanut-butter and pickle sammy! Check out our talk with Tim and the recipe below. And stream the LP right now. And hopefully my horseradish pickles are in the mail!

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Blood Share Holy Family Single

When press first came out concerning the new Blood album, it promised to have Tim O’Brien really stretching himself, vocally. There was a little bit on the earlier singles, but “Holy Family” has this dark majesty that fulfills all the promise of Tim exploring his voice. At the beginning, it’s quite fragile, almost beautifully pained, tip-toeing around a light strum and bending nuanced notes. Pronounced percussion comes to rescue, punching through the mix momentarily, but it only seems to make O’Brien withdraw further, hiding behind the textured density the group have built up here. Of all the power the the band possess, they seem to kind of control that chaos, making magic in the process. Loving You Backwards is out next Friday via Ramp Local.

Blood Share TV for a Reason Single

One of the great things about listening to a single by a band you’re familiar with is envisioning their sound filling out your local club; you can hear the live energy coursing through this new single from former ATX band Blood. Walls of noise smash through the speakers, almost immediately meeting up with singer Tim O’Brien’s voice to soften the blow. Tim’s range is really showing through on the group’s latest batch of singles, illustrating how much he’s come into his own; I love the way the tune slows to offer a bit of a whisper near the 1 minute mark. And for all their bombast, they incredibly build at the song’s end, only to hold onto the climactic release you’re likely seeking. Their new LP, Loving You Backwards is slated for a release on August 2nd via Ramp Local.

Blood Announce Loving You Backwards

Former Austin outfit Blood moved off to Philadelphia to find their sound and build themselves a new foundation. Through the process, various members found new paths and chose to leave the band, but not before the completing the record that would become Loving You Backwards. Their sound will likely draw some comparisons to early Shame records, taking post-punk sounds and flexing them into new territory that’s simultaneously bright and dangerous. That said, frontperson Tim O’Brien embraced the more femme shades of his voice, building in a softness to the record that we might not have gotten when they were all back in Texas. Really excited to hear the whole of Loving You Backwards, which drops in August via Ramp Local.

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