The 1981 Share Make It Right Video

We’ve covered lots of stuff from Dandy Boy Records the past few years, and the 1981 are definitely an act I think we’re going to get behind. Honestly, I loved the way the song started out, using this brooding darkness with light guitar jangles to turn in my ear; it set up the song perfectly for the vocals to have their first entry, almost like a ghostly whisper through your speaker. But, after the 1 minute mark, the song takes a turn into this more blissful pop structure; it’s like a sedated power pop moment, completely sealing this song as an absolute hit. Give me a hook, wash it in synths, then throw in an emphatic power piece at the end to add some emphasis? Yeah, I’m in. Move On is out August 18th.

The Coathangers Are Back w/ a New Album

CoathangersIn case you haven’t noticed for the last several years, I’m a pretty huge fanboy when it comes to Coathangers. So, I’m ecstatic that there’s brand new Coathangers music for me to consume and fawn all over (though they did just do a split). But, here you have Stephanie (or Rusty Coathanger) offering up her scratchy growl, in the most intoxicating fashion. Since the girls have stripped down to a three-piece, they’re songs have become so incredibly tight as a unit, that it’s hard not to just fall for each piece they write. Their new effort is titled Nosebleed Weekend, and it’s out on April 15th via Suicide Squeeze Records.

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