Marble Arch Share Video for Today

I’ve spent a lot of time this year praising Marble Arch and their latest LP, Children of the Slump…so why stop there when they drop another video from the album. This tune was one of those really special ones for me when I first stumbled upon this LP; it reminded me a lot of Radio Dept., sort of offering up this spirited pop kaleidoscope that seemed digitally altered whilst also feeling wholly organic. I feel like the video does a great job matching up with that vibe, particularly because of the way the lighting; it feels like the lines of the world are blurred through the lens of pop aficionados, and I’m ever so in love with it. Children of the Slump is available now via Geographie.


Marble Arch Share Moonstruck Video

Children of the Slump dropped in late Spring, and while I’ve written a great deal about the album and the earlier singles from Marble Arch, this new video for “Moonstruck” offers up a slight different tone than many of the singles. Here, the band are more pulling on your emotions, entrancing you with both song and visual effects in this video. I think, for me, that releasing this as a single illustrates the band’s thoughtfulness, as the artistry in the video very much matches their approach (in my view) to the songwriting for this LP. Each track has this uniqueness that can be presented in isolation or wound tightly into the beautiful LP we have before us now. Grab it from Geographie.

New Music from Marble Arch

I remember when all my friends were raving about Nirvana, I was sitting at home raving to my sister about Republic by New Order. Somehow, the music of French outfit Marble Arch always reminds me of that tape, especially their new single. The entire first minute is filled with this propulsive post-punk, wrapping guitar chords angularly around one another as the listener becomes intoxicated by the sound. Once there, the band operates back and forth between the energetic pop and the dreamy state of the vocals, keeping you forever unbalance in the most loving way possible. For real, if New Order had a child, then this band is it; hear for yourself when Children of the Slump drops Friday via Geographie.

New Hit from Marble Arch

There are a handful of artists that craft these really beautiful soundscapes that are infused with energy and airy vocals; they build the sort of world we all want to live inside. Lately I can look at Peel Dream Magazine who might be looking at Stereolab…and now we’ve got Marble Arch. They’re doing something similar, even adding a bit of that ringing jangle guitar to the front of the mix before washing over it with synths and precision drum work. The vocals are submerged in the mix, faintly audible, utilized for both lyrical intent as well as an added instrument. The Parisian outfit are really something to be on the lookout for; keep your eyes out for Children of the Slump early next year via Geographie.


Bedroom Gaze from Marble Arch

marblearchNot sure where I first stumbled upon Marble Arch, but my bandcamp scouting reported that a new tune was up…and it immediately filled a hole in my listening rotation. Honestly, it’s a dense bit of bedroom pop, organized around electronic beats/samples; it doesn’t fall too far from the realm of Radio Dept., except this is a wee bit more dreary in its atmospheric positing. It’s rainy day music done perfectly right, but you can listen to it any time really…or at least that’s my recommendation.

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