Last Week’s Jams (8.12 – 8.16)

I reckon we have a few more months of solid hits before the world settles into Year End Lists or what not, and while I may be swamped, I’m really enjoying the great music that just keeps pumping out. This week we had all sort of old favorites and new, with our pals in Humdrum announcing a new LP, while other reliables like APTBS were doing their thing. Really got into the new stuff from Weak Signal and Mo Dotti, not to mention that lovely track from Little Oso. And then, we were able to close out the week with Jim Nothing and Dancer dropping fresh songs? Yeah, just out here crushing it!

Matt McLean Shares Roman Candle

Throughout this year, Matt McLean has leading us along the trail to Daytripping Ruined My Life with little musical breadcrumbs, and now we’ve got the final piece as the LP is officially out. “Roman Candle” is one of the highlights, blending this sort of DIY ethos with a bit of nerdy bedroom pop, eventually leading you into a full-fledged pop sway. Mostly operating with guitar and vocals, the drop in for the drums helps carry a nice punch that lifts the track up in tempo, just slightly. Once that hits, you’re hooked, riding on the back of this pop motorcycle with the wind blowing in your hair.

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