Class Share Milkman Single

Less than a year ago, Class released the rad record, If You’ve Got Nothing, and they’ve turned it around with another release slated to drop this Friday. Today, before the album drops, we’ve got this jagged bit of garage pop that should garner a listen or seven. There’s definitely a punk nod on this, particularly in the way the vocals almost seem to pogo into the picture, though in a sedate manner; they do burst forth emphatically when you hit the hook and the chorus, as they should. I love the marching drum roll that sets up the chorus, then it hits you with these gang vocals and pounding piano notes; it’s a huge sound with crunchy rock n’ roll flare. Best in Class! Grab A Healthy Alternative this Friday from Feel It Records.

Rock This New Tune from Bully

bullyYou like Cloud Nothings? You like lady singers? Then you’re going to have to get on it real quick and jam to this tune from Bully.  It’s the project of Alicai Bognanno, and she’s done much of the work on her eponymous EP by herself.  The guitars have that same angular ringing, pushed forth by the pacing of the drum work; there’s even quick moves in guitar discord that come in and out of varying parts on the track.  Just turn the stereo up a little bit louder, sit back and let this slick track knock you back. Look for her EP on October 21st.


Download: Bully – Milkman [MP3]

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