CR&M Share Mondegreen

A lot of folks usually run the New Year with resolutions and lists of goals; I think on my end, I tend to write about my feelings and shit, which usually requires a good solid score. Today, I’ve been jamming this trippy bit of post-rock from CR&M. Admittedly, I don’t know much about the band, as they don’t even have a site or the like, but this track reminds me of that sort of atmospheric post rock meets IDM style popularized by the likes of Boards of Canada and such. It allows plenty of space for your brain to roam and wonder, yet it’s tightly wound, so you can feel the natural push and pull of tension that runs throughout. New year, new me, new song.

Slow Pop Vibes from Mondegreen

When I heard this tune, I thought it was a new approach from my old pal Dylan Mondegreen, but I was wrong, as it was Portland act Mondegreen (no relation, oddly). The tune below is this drifting pop song, which immediately reminded me of Beach House in the way it opened up; they play with the same building tension too, though I will admit this track unleashes a little bit of power, ever so carefully towards the song’s latter half. If you’re into discovering bands and such, go check out the group’s most recent LP, Returnity.

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