Proto Idiot Release Mountain Single

We’ve been covering Proto Idiot, as well as their offshoots, for some years, though due to life we probably didn’t cover their 2019 LP, Find Out for Themselves as well as I might have liked. For me, it took their garage rock antics and sort of ushered it through secondary school, leaving the band with bits of their youth while illustrating huge growth in their songwriting. Why does that matter now with the new single, “Mountain?” Well, one listen, and you will hear a completely different band, still bold in their attitude, but brandishing this maturity that’s really impressive. Squalls of guitars and crashing cymbals fill your speakers, with the vocals sort of stomping their way through the noisy fog. It all opens up in this brilliant chorus that’s filled with pop sensibility and hooks; back and forth they go between entrancing noise prog and circular pop antics…this is the band at their very best.

Enjoying This Space Raft Track

spaceIf this new Space Raft song didn’t have some of the touches of modern indie rock, I’d swear that it’s a tune coming off the Almost Famous soundtrack; it has that classic rock vibe, though it’s been switched up and turned out in a new fashion. Of course that style just happens to focus on the hooks of pop sensibility, filling it in with great melodies and a distinctive voice. I’ll be interested to hear what the whole of their new album sounds like; Rubicon will be released on April 15th via Dusty Medical Records.

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