Austin Show Spotlight: Jonly Bonly @ Hotel Vegas (10.4)
I get it folks, ACL just isn’t your thing. You’re probably trying to stay away from the hordes of people in the downtown area too. So why not enjoy a righteous night of rock n’ roll by heading over to Hotel Vegas to catch one of the hottest new bands in town. Okay, so Jonly Bonly might not be new boys, with members of Sweet Talk and OBN IIIs taking the helm, but the band itself is fairly new; I’ve been rocking out to the few songs they passed my way, and I’m expecting them to blow the socks off Austin in no time. You like catchy proto-punk with a garage rock bent? Yeah, you better be there this Friday night. They’ll be playing with Trustees and DJ Andrew McCalla to make your night both cheap and fulfilling; it all follows the Richard Buckner set! Oh, and here’s one of those sweet rocking tunes I was talking about. Meet your favorite new band people!
[audio:]Download: Jonly Bonly – Never Thought I’d Die [MP3]