La Securite Share Detour Single

You’re going to throw a stabbing post punk guitar riff at me? Then follow it up with this infectious bass groove and a bit of bob-and-weave vocal stylings? Okay, I’ll follow you anywhere at that point, just like I will with a new La Securite single. And, as much as I love the hooks in the songwriting, there are some elements towards the latter half that just put the group in their groove, locking into the fun of building noise and letting the mixture swirl around until it all sounds absolutely perfect. This is the perfect reminder of how great the group are, and perhaps why I should go revisit Stay Safe!

12XU Readies Box of Dark Roses, the Final Mope Grooves LP

I suppose that I could wait to toss Box of Dark Roses out with our casual Friday Album Streams, but seeing as 12XU got another track out before the release of the final Mope Grooves record, it feels as if I should shine a little more purposeful light in that direction. But, even as a fan of stevie and her work, it’s also hard to write about their efforts to fight for marginalized groups, particularly as a cis-white dude. All that to say, the new tune that’s been bopping around is a solid glimpse at the importance of the 27 songs coming our way Friday. There’s a propulsive beat that courses throughout, then layer upon layer get added, thickening the piece; you can get a glimpse of stevie’s process with the repeated line of “it is right to fight,” punching through the speakers. Personally, I love the piano notes that creep through the metallic backdrop, illustrating a sort of juxtaposition between the beauty and harshness the music is confronting. There’s a digital treatise of sorts from stevie, which you can read HERE. Otherwise, grab a copy of the LP on Friday!


Rosali Releases Hey Heron

If you were paying attention to the Cardinals at the Window, the compilation benefitting flood victims, then you’ve possibly already indulged in this new Rosali song. But, seeing as she released a powerhouse record earlier this year, we wanted to point you in the direction of this single. There’s a slow burning guitar that courses through, reminiscent of the summer haze that we’re trying to escape down here in Texas. Take in the slow burn, then go dive into Bite Down, if you haven’t done so already. This tune is out there, like her album, courtesy of some label called Merge Records.

Geoffrey O’Connor Signs to Dinosaur City

After several releases with Chapter Music, Geoffrey O’Connor has announced he’ll be working with Dinosaur City Records on his new LP. Atop of writing great pop songs, Geoffrey also creates his own videos, this go round opting to go with an adorable cutout penguin as his companion. The musical pieces around O’Connor’s voice highlight the majesty he’s offered since his earliest days in The Crayon Fields, boosting that croon into this infectious melody you can’t steal away from, nor is that your desire. I Love What We Do will be out on February 14th, with more pop hits to follow!

LP Gavin Share Launderette Euphoria Video

After a little blast from that earlier Nothing Natural tune, you’re likely ready to settle into your chair, then get right down to business, thus you’ll need to get this LP Gavin track on repeat. It’ll greet you with a little bit of a bluesy swagger, then churning it out with a bit of fuzz to make your speakers rattle. All the while, Gavin is just staying cool, detailing the little observations of the world he’s been able to make. There’s something in the vocals and the guitars that almost seems to drag a bit behind the beat, only to pick up again and launch into gritty little breakdowns and solo guitar chugs. Safe Suburban Home will be putting out a new LP in February of next year, so keep your ears ready.

Club 8 Share All I Know

Throughout the string of stellar singles this season Club 8 have relied upon their electronic skillset to pump out hooks galore, but on their latest bop, the group are employing a more subtle piece, allowing the vocals to control the tune’s narrative. You’ll find moments in this track where they feel as if they’re nearing old school Camera Obscura methodology, operating with that high melody, with the backbeat just giving the song a bit of life and springiness. They always know how to come in at just the right time, bringing all the pieces together and leaving us with another enjoyable pop adventure.

Lofi Legs Share Chain Video

I’ve only just gotten hold of this new track from Lofi Legs, and already, I can’t stop pressing play, as it feels like the perfect intersection of everything I’ve been rocking to lately. There’s a bit of wayward pop akin to TV Personalities, but there’s also a tightness, bringing back some almost Beatles-esque pop moments to the front. All that, but it also doesn’t stray away from noise, so you get all of your bits and pieces of the great indie rock sounds in one little pop gem. The San Fran project will drop Bag of Spells on October 25th, just in time to haunt our listening rotation!

World Brain Offer Ville Fleurie

German outfit World Brain recently caught my attention with their “Minute Papillon” single, but now there’s another urban pop tune to captivate you early this morning. Put yourself in the mindset of a traveler or urbanite walking through the city, images and buildings flash by, like the soft beats that provide you with the tempo for your walk. But, you turn a corner and your face lights up, just as you see a grand field or park, offering up a cheerful vision that matches the twist in the track. Those of you willing to indulge in some jazz-inflected pop, well, you’re not going to find too many folks doing it better. Open Source will be out on November 1st.

New Ducks Ltd Single

I didn’t set out to include two lyric video pieces in my day, but when the gods ask for it, so it must be. All this to say, we’ve got our second lyric video today, this time around it comes from Ducks Ltd, who honestly sound like they’ve returned to their most infectious moments from their earliest days. The speed of the drum work on this tune is furious, with the jangling guitar lines struggling to keep pace. While that rush of speed hits you, the vocals hang just behind the beat, sort of billowing behind in the trails of the musical element. It’s a fun spritely pop jam, and I’m all here for it. Courtesy of Carpark.

Alpaca Sports Share Tribute to Soren Borjesson, Autograph

We only recently learned that Alpaca Sports would be back in the music making game. And, while I always appreciate their work, this new single comes with a bit of sadness, as the tune was hurried out to the world as a tribute to the Soren Borjesson, the Swedish football player whom the song adores. It’s a light number, almost lounge-oriented indiepop, playing with Andreas voice working over the lightest bit of synthetic ambiance and a strumming that seemingly disappears behind the percussive element. This song will appear on the new record, dropping in January via Elefant, but be on the lookout for another version on the horizon in November.

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