Washer Drop Fresh Single

After dropping Improved Means to Deteriorated Ends, I’ll admit, I wasn’t quite expecting Washer to jump right back and deliver new music, but here they are with fresh single for your ears! There’s something about the songwriting on this tune that feels like a mid90s rocker, hinting at grungy riffs but pushing more towards a kind of college rock feel. There’s a certain indifference in their approach, just selling these crunchy riffs that blast through the speakers while the vocals carry this biting cool; when they let loose at the end it just feels like the band are fully embracing the fun and joy of playing together. This single brought to you courtesy of Exploding in Sound.

Lunchbox Announce Pop and Circumstance

Seems like just yesterday that Lunchbox dropped the most excellent After School Special, and today it seems like another batch of hits is on the way; they announced their new LP Pop and Circumstance today. Opening with a blast of horn work and thundering drums, the song has a jangling undercurrent that sets up the group’s pop drive. When the vocals come in, they’re delivered casually, using backing vocals to layer on a bit more melody; the horns continue to punctuate the song, blasting pop notes right through your speakers. It’s a short jaunt, but one that carries a dose of pop sharpness that might surprise. Pop and Circumstance drops May 10th via Slumberland.

Camera Obscura Share We’re Going to Make It in a Man’s World

There’s so much new music out of late that it’s incredibly impossible to keep up with it all, unless that new music is coming from Camera Obscura, who I adore. After a long hiatus, the band are back with a new LP on the horizon, and this new single takes their fascination with country-tinged pop and fuses it with their classic pop sensibility. Through the repeat of the song’s title, the melody is built and layered, almost drilling the track right into your brain. You’ll also find some little playful interludes that see them tinkering with their songwriting; I love that they are still finding their way while adhering to some of their old pop feels. Look to the East, Look to the West will be out May 3rd via Merge Records.

Holiday Ghosts Share Big Congratulations

I can’t tell you how excited I am to finally catch Holiday Ghosts when they wash ashore for SXSW, especially now that there’s a hot new track from the group making the rounds. For me, the guitar line and its little hip-shaking jangle had me instantly; I’ll admit that it sounded a bit more Australian in nature…not that I mind that one bit. But, the song’s success comes in the constant thump of the drums, pushing the track’s agenda with this bopping tap that makes it one hell of a ditty. Plus, you don’t dare tell me that you’re not going to fawn over dueling vocal harmonies as they exist here? Yea, you won’t! Coat of Arms is out via Fat Cat on March 29th.

Alluvial Nuggets Share Whistling Song

Ever listen to a song that just makes you feel good, even though you can’t put that feeling into words? Today, that’s the new track from Alluvial Nuggets, which is the second single from their forthcoming slef-titled debut. There’s this chugging movement in the guitar play, a bit of swagger that has you rocking back and forth. But, it’s muted, so the snapping of the drums lets you bounce your toes. A few of the guitar lines dip their toes into modern psychedelia, yet even as you think the band’s going that route, they spin in a bit of twangy melody into the chorus, only to let that moment boogie you towards the close. A lot of musical nods, but ultimately just a rad bop. Alluvial Nuggets is out in June via Lost and Lonesome.

Convinced Friend Drops Safeway Single

It feels like I’ve been listening to A.S. Wilson my whole life; he feels like that friend whose songwriting has been the best kept secret of your friend group, until now, when their band Convinced Friend makes waves. Something in the songwriting feels akin to the works of Molina or Bazaan, making you feel right at home in these intimate little narratives. On this track, there’s this masterful croon around the 3 minute that just broke me emotionally, aided by the arrangements of the track…which also allows this jam to just soar and soar and soar. The self-titled LP is out on March 29th via Solid Brass Records.

Flypaper Shares Old Friend Video

You might recognize Rory Sear for his work on Brighton’s Beachtape, but at the moment, he’s flying solo under the moniker Flypaper. The latest single embraces this solitude, both in the song’s emotive qualities and the visual aesthetics of the video. Honestly, it gives off those early Hovvdy vibes to me, when things felt quiet and hushed, but you could imagine the live set taking on more power as the emotions swell. Listen to the snap of the drums that sets off a wave of emotion when the chorus hits; you’ll surely understand exactly what I’m getting at on my end. The new Other Orbit EP will be out on in May via PNKSLM.

Kevin Alvir Shares Beast Mode Single

Thee Kevin Alvir is no stranger to our site, as the songwriter has often operated under various aliases like Kevin Hairs; today, however, I wanted to point you towards a new tune he’s just put out under his own name. In his return, Kevin’s working with layering the musical elements (all recorded himself) atop one another, particularly the vocals, creating this sort of dreamy melodic feel that just comes in wave after wave. While the jangles exist in the guitar play, they do feel a bit lighter, a bit like they’ve been tamed to really allow the song to reach into other arenas, leaving the door open for Mr. Alvir to continue exploring his songwriting chops. Looking forward to hearing more!

Winter Aid Share Silk Video

I have to cop to the fact that the piano line from this new Winter Aid song completely sucked me into the tune; it swept me up and turned me over dropping in the midst of the tune, as I’m hoping it does for you. Between those little rolling piano notes you’ll find the mystery that’s made this song so intoxicating, for me anyways. Little hints of noise echo in and out, with a snappy bit of percussion keeping the pace, setting the scene for Shane Culloty’s voice; he’s got some notes that remind me faintly of Spencer Krug, holding onto this imperfect fragility that I can’t escape. This is the first track we’ve heard from the forthcoming Pull the Sky Inside.

Dancer Share Bluetooth Hell

We’ve been able to hear a handful of Dancer tunes from their forthcoming 10 Songs I Hate About You, but if I’m being bold, this one might be the most exciting of the singles. Whether it’s the rolling of the beats or the sharpness of the vocal blasts, there’s something joyfully primal in their sound. But, at times, it can also be a touch off-kilter, reminiscent of Life Without Buildings or Love Is All, playing within the confines of post-punk but with a little more of an indie rock scrub. I definitely dig how the buzz comes right before the song closes, bringing the volume up before dropping out. The LP is out March 15th via Meritorio Records.

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