In these tough economic times, I think we’ve all given some consideration to starting our own meth labs. Oh, you haven’t you say? Well pardon me your Majesty, I didn’t mean to disturb you from your high horse of judgement!
This is fine.
In these tough economic times, I think we’ve all given some consideration to starting our own meth labs. Oh, you haven’t you say? Well pardon me your Majesty, I didn’t mean to disturb you from your high horse of judgement!
When you’re broke, you just have to find new and creative ways to make money. When that doesn’t work, you have to sell illegal drugs to middle school kids. They were gonna try that stuff eventually, right?
There is nothing funnier than tarnishing the reputation of a perfectly legitimate organization. Now if that organization is also charitable, well my friend, then you have pure comedy gold on your hands. Yea, I know I’m going to hell for this comic, but so are you for laughing at it.
So MTV recently announced that it is canceling Total Request Live. I think that means they officially play zero music now. Not that the 15 second sound bytes of Miley Cyrus they played on TRL really counted as playing music. Looks like it was a bit of a guilty pleasure for poor Steve, however…
Corey Taylor of Slipknot recently stated that the record labels are to blame for music piracy. Corey says the problem is that the bands that are being promoted aren’t “up to standard”. You can read what he has to say here. Hmmm, I could probably take that argument a bit more seriously if it were coming from, say, anyone other than a member of Slipknot…
We Irish were often stereotyped as lazy drunks when we first arrived to the new world. Fortunately we have put those stereotypes to rest.
So for any one who hasn’t heard, a new arcade opened up in Austin this past weekend. Its called Arcade UFO and they are currently one of only nine arcades in the country to import Japanese Street Fighter 4 machines! The American release date isn’t until Jan. 2009 so if you grew up playing Street Fighter like I did, this is a pretty big deal. They also have tons of other great games so do your part to help keep arcade gaming alive in Austin and check out Arcade UFO!
We’d like to dedicate this comic to all of our loyal Reggie and the Full Effect fans out there. You know who you are…
Sorry for only posting one comic last week. I was a bit stretched for time and although I thought about throwing another one together quickly, I didn’t want to post something that looked like the inane scrawls of a child. What do we look like?
There’s nothing like a good old trip to H-E-B. Sure it takes hours to fight your way down each aisle. Sure you inevitably run into at least one person you didn’t want to see. Sure they don’t recognise the concept of expiration dates. At least they have some pretty good deals, on everything…