Listen to Pale Lights Cover Lake Ruth

Last week we brought you the wonderful Lake Ruth cover from their split 7″ with Pale Lights, and it only seems right that we share the flip side, right? Pale Lights take the nostalgic leaning pop of the original and spruce it up with a dreamy sense of longing, with guitars seemingly racing through the speakers while Phil has this warm croon, backed by a female counterpart, adding a depth to the tones present in this number. The split sold out in an instant, but you can always enjoy both band’s versions of one another…and you can’t go wrong with either, if you ask me.

Lake Ruth Covers Pale Lights

The team over at Kleine Untergrund Schallplatten are responsible for some of my favorite releases the last few years, and they’re definitely hitting their mark with this new Lake Ruth/Pale Lights split 7″. Below we have Lake Ruth‘s wonderfully woozy cover of “Only an Ocean” off their opposites Before There Were Pictures LP. They craft this smooth space pop, which interestingly fits inside the ramshackle pop of the original; it definitely gives you a different viewpoint for the song…and I can’t wait to hear what Pale Lights did to “Through the Lychgates!”

New Music from Pale Lights

There’a an abundance of great tunes coming from Pale Lights, one of my favorite acts that features members of Comet Gain and Crystal Stilts. Just Friday the band dropped the brand new Jean, Bring the Flowers EP, highlighted by the delightful lead track, which features the video below. But, even better news is that we’ll be treated to a new LP titled The Stars Seem Brighter, which comes out on December 15th via Kleine Untergrund Schallplatten. I’ve attached a single from that tune below as well, as you can never have too much of Pale Lights in your life. Looks like the year isn’t quite done with brilliant new music.

Pale Lights Are Back with New EP

pale_lights_may_15Those living in the indiepop realm should have known this was coming. Pale Lights have been hinting at new music for some time via their social media outlets, and it’s finally here…thank goodness. I tried to pick a favorite song to put out there, but it’s changed every time I listen to the tracks. “Mother Cries” sounds like early psychedelic pop from the late 60s, while “Alone in this Room” rings of the more modern indie fare I adore. Each track is great, and fulfills on the promise the group displayed in their Before There Were Pictures LP from 2014. Take a listen, enjoy yourself and grab a copy from the band when it’s released this Friday!

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Top 50 Albums of 2014

TOP 50 ALB 14These lists are everywhere, so you’ll be excused if you just roll your eyes and skip on. But, that being said, we always seem to be way off the mark when it comes to our Top 50 Albums of the Year.  Sure, we have some of the sure fire hits on this list like Angel Olsen and Sharon Van Etten, but don’t even read on if you’re look ing to see where Run the Jewels made it…they’re not there. Sorry not sorry.  So, if you’re into arbitrary lists by people who like to push their own agenda, then this list is for you! Read more

Perfect Indiepop from Pale Lights

paleIt’s a bummer that I opted to take most of last week off, as if I hadn’t, you’d have had this Pale Lights single spinning in your head throughout your holiday week, or your black Friday enslavement.  Regardless, you’re now going to spend the next 20-30 minutes playing these two songs over and over again.  It’s remarkable how quickly this band can add to their already strong catalog, having released the much needed  Before There Were Pictures earlier this year. I don’t know which of the two tracks is better here, so you best listen to them both.  Hoping to see this on a vinyl release, but for now it’s just a digital single you’ll want to get your hands on as soon as possible.

New Music from Pale Lights

paleDuring slow music weeks you turn to your friends, and I always know I can count on IPSML for a good jam or two.  Today I bring you a track from Pale Lights that he pointed me towards, which features Phil Sutton of one of my favorite acts, Comet Gain. You’re going to get a similarly ringing guitar, and even find the vocal delivery similar.  Personally, I dig the nice female vocal in the background.  I’m posting this track because I love it, but you can stream the band’s whole new album, Before There Were Pictures, right HERE.  It’s so good, you won’t want to have anything else on today.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff9900&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_artwork=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

New Tunes from Pale Lights

Pale Lights will automatically get my support, based on the fact that main man, Phil Sutton, was once part of Comet Gain…one of my top bands of all time.  This new gem isn’t quite along the lines of the quirky art-pop, but it’s equally as infectious.  The vocal has a deep tonal quality that while fairly distant in sound, holds onto an intimacy that makes pop fans swoon.  Musically, it’s a slow paced jangling affair, with ringing guitars that craft warmth and melancholy simultaneously.  You can find this tune and a few others on the group’s Pale Lights EP, which is available right now.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”auto_play=false&show_artwork=false&color=ff7700″ width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

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