Bubblegum Lemonade Releases Love’s Young Nightmare EP

Another morning treat as I opened the inbox was a fresh batch of tunes from Bubblegum Lemonade; the opening track is one of the singles from the forthcoming Lawrence of Suburbia LP. That opening single sees Laz playing in power-pop mode, albeit still dripping with the melodic sweetness of his earlier work. It does fit right into the vein of where a lot of the pop resurgence comes from, but there are some special treats from the non-album cuts featured here. Personally, I’m drawn to “America Calling” as the song features Sandra from Strawberry Whiplash lending her powerful pipes to build the hooks. Can’t wait to hear the entirety of this new album, but for now, a sprinkle of new music is just the right touch for a Friday. Music on the Love’s Young Nightmare EP brought to you by Matinee Recordings.

Club 8 Release Getting By

Swedish outfit Club 8 have been dropping some bangers this year, just hitting play on single after single. But, I think “Getting By” might be my favorite of the hits they’ve pushed our way. Thumping percussion and stabbing guitar licks quickly get your body in the mood, setting up this happy discord that swallows your soul until just after the 30 second mark where the whispering vocals enter from stage left to balance out the world. There’s this punctuated moment before the 2 minute mark that builds the wall of noise, but only briefly, as the band clearly prefer their melodic nature to remain the central focus. Crank it up and enjoy another perfect pop piece.

Freedom Fry Share Gemini

As a person that pours through about 100 + songs a day, I often find groups that I take for granted, like Freedom Fry. The LA outfit haven’t failed to lighten my day, always offering these soulful pop tunes that flirt with a classic sensibility and a futuristic outlook. You can hear how they settle into the groove on this track, almost slinking their way into your consciousness. But, they do it with this sly wink that reminds me of the early Phoenix records, though never turns its back on nostalgia. You never know where they’re going, and in that, I’m always happy to lend them some extra coverage.

Aquaserge Share Le Saut du Tigre

Everyone in the blog realm always go one about French pop due to Stereolab being en vogue (as it should always be), but I’m here to latch on to another French pop act, Aquaserge. There’s a dark electronic pulse to this song, which is how I got completely sucked into it; I’ve been listening to a lot of the late Liars stuff I reckon. The vocals move in and out of different tones, rising in spots to build in a bit of pop sensibility, then slinking back to kind of hide in the shadows of the tune. That aforementioned pulse helps build the tension too, especially when paired with the fleeing characters of the video version. Cool vibes for a Thursday. You’ll find this track on their new LP, La fin de L’economie, out May 24th via Crammed Discs.

Check Out the Latest Harmless Tune

I’ve been covering Nacho Cano’s work for a really long time on this site, so it only seems fitting that I jump back in on this track he dropped just before the New Year under his Harmless moniker. For me, there’s something entirely enchanting about the vocal performance; it has this timelessness that reminds me of listening to 50s rock n’ roll with my mom as a kid. Nacho’s production lets the melody hang out there perfectly, waiting for the musical elements to dive right in and make you swoon; the guitars hang right behind his voice, sparkling and adding this beautiful shimmer. I’m a sucker for this, and based on the slew of singles he’s been dropping, I’m hoping for a new LP in the new year.

A Beacon School Drop Alone Single

If you’re a sucker for that sort of post-new-wave meets dreamy pop, then you’re absolutely going to love this new track from A Beacon School. For two minutes, Patrick Smith casually delivers some of the finest dreamy pop you’re going to hear this year; the softness in his vocals keeps the knifing guitar lines and snappy beat at bay, letting the melody sprinkle its hooks all over the track. There’s even a nice little cascading bit of noise at the 2 minute mark, offering a brief bit of dissonant discourse in an otherwise spritely pop number. Yoyo is out on October 13th, and its shaping up quite nicely.

Spearmint Announce This Candle Is For You

As I look through the overwhelming amount of great tunes coming out this Friday, I’m really excited that there’s a fresh Spearmint album coming to us soon! Soft brushes across the snare set a jolly beat, something that’ll make you lightly tap your toes as the chilled melody blows through your bedroom. But, as someone who relishes beautiful musical moments, in whatever fashion, tie into the 1:48 mark; there’s the slightest tonal change, creating this striking yearning moment that completely floored me as the song strode into its back half. Just a really pleasant way to step into this weekend; you’ll be able to grab This Candle Is For You on October 20th courtesy of WIAIWYA.

Grand Drifter Shares Fresh Pop Hit

You should usually consider the work of the folks at Subjangle to be something charming, which is most certainly the case when it comes to this new single from Italy’s Grand Drifter. One will find an instantly saccharine light jangle in the guitar work, something you might consider akin to early Kings of Convenience. What I love about this track, however, is that there are all these little light flourishes that continue to flesh out the sound as a whole, making it feel like the perfect piece for a sunny day. Listen carefully for little bits of horn and string accompaniment, adding further depth that allows Andrea Calvo to drape his subtle vocals across. Expect Paradise Window to hit this September!

The Parade Share I’m a Dreamer Single

Something purely nostalgic is dripping from the first single from Sweden’s The Parade; it feels like a pop track that would have quietly slid into 90s college radio, only to then be consumed and adored by the masses. Velvety vocals work over synth stabs and electric beats that bob and groove, getting your body slight swinging as you soak in the sunny goodness. It’s the first thing we’re hearing from the band, but it arrives with the sort of sophistication you’d hear on heralded Swedish label, Labrador. Smart and sweet, you’re going to love The Parade.

Tugboat Captain Share Like Caroline

Tugboat Captain have been hard at work in 2023, already bringing us their third single of the year, continuing a run of solid form the last few years. This tune opens up with a spirited bounce, before sliding into the great literary pop they send our way; there’s definitely some percussive snap here that reminds me of the punctuated moments in my favorite B&S tunes. When that chorus sails real high, you’re going to be rewarded, as you surely knew, built on this soaring vocal that illustrates the band’s range. Good to see them hard at work, and hopefully the UK outfit will have a new LP for us soon!

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