Mint Field Share Aterrizar Single

The more I listen to the tracks on Sentimiento Mundial, the more I’m mesmerized by the world Mint Field are creating. My early perception of the band had them casting this shadowy psychedelia from Mexico, but with each new single from the new LP, they’re giving out little hints of this expansive sound, this tapestry of influences and visions. For instance, you’ll find yourself intoxicated with these heavenly vocals and carefully worked guitar lines; it feels like there’s movement, but its so light you can’t help but feel yourself floating away. The band, however, have a nice little trick in store for your ears, unleashing a wall of shattering noise just after the 2 minute mark. They haven’t strayed from their roots, they’ve just landed in a new sonic landscape of their own creation. The new LP drops on September 25th via Felte.

Mint Field Share Delicadeza Video

The title of the new single from Mint Field translates to delicacy, and this video is a treat on many levels. For starters, director Santiago Arouesty has captured our lives; you’ve likely found yourself in the same position as the video’s protagonists as of late, drifting off into day after day of anxiety amidst this pandemic. While I appreciate the cinematic aspects, the angelic whispers from the band do more than enough to allow the song to permeate your being. It also vaguely reminds me of one of those biology films where the animal dies and in doing so gives birth to some sort of plant thus completing the cycle of life; seems like its filled with purity and pain all at once. Call me captivated. The group release Sentimiento Mundial on September 25th via Felte Records.

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