SXSW Interview: Hers

I know for a fact that B. Gray and I have Hers high up on our list of acts to cover at SXSW. This is the new band that’ll make you want to dance your night away, smiling until the end. They’ll be blowing into Austin, a week after the release of the much anticipated Songs of Hers, so sample a tune below. Mark em’ on your calendar for the fest; it’ll be a hot ticket.

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Fun New Tune from Her’s

There’s a breed of frivolous pop out there that always gets you going, and I think Her’s are crafting precisely that. I can’t help but to recall bits of Junior Senior in their craftsmanship, maybe even mixed in with a little bit of J. Casablancas solo work. I mean, listen to the bass and tell me you don’t want to get up and shake it with the nearest person! Oh, and hand claps! Bring back hand claps! This tune will appear on their new collection, Songs of Her’s,which hits on March 12th via Heist or Hit Records.

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