SXSW Interview: Split Single

Jason Narducy is a certified indie rock bad ass, having played with Bob Mould, Robert Pollard and Superchunk. It’s been a bit since he took the stage as his own, but he’s been stepping back out under the name Split Single, backed by Britt Daniel and Jon Wurster (those names should ring a bell too). He’s released two albums in the last few years, most recently Metal Frames. There’s a jam from that LP at the end of the interview below.

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Hear a New Split Single Single

splitWhen this Split Single track ran early yesterday morning I was hoping it wouldn’t get passed over by too many folks…and it looks to have landed well. I mean, Jason Narducy has been around for a bit, but here he gets to make his own statement. I love the way this song never goes to quickly, or rushes to establish itself; the notes and the pacing all seem purposeful. While it definitely looks into good old fashioned alternative rock, it’s opening a chapter you can relish, with little sonic touches that create more space for the listener. The new album Metal Frames will be out on November 18th for you all to enjoy!

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New Rock from Ceremony

So RayRay was complaining about how I dominated the site with “pussy rock” all Monday, so I wanted to start off your Tuesday with a re-hash banger that surfaced on Monday…that is before I return to my fall love of twee (more on that later today)  This jam comes from the powerful Ceremony, who’re doing a split with Titus Andronicus in honor of their tour.  It’s probably one of the cleanest rock tracks I’ve heard the group together, punishing your ears from start to finish.  Definitely a great live act, and their recordings just keep getting better.  You gotta head to one of the shows to grab these, but sadly no Austin date.


Download:Ceremony – Everything Burns [MP3]

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