New Tunes from The Subjects

subjectsThe Subjects just released their newest EP, New Soft Shoe. I’ve been jamming to it a lot this evening, in my post ACL haze (sorry I skipped you Pearl Jam, but I had never heard of you).  Anyways, this tune is actually as smiley as the picture, which is good since we all need a nice pick me up on Monday.  Be sure to check the group out on October 23rd when they come to town–we’ll remind you again closer to the date.


Download: The Subjects – Winter Vacation [MP3]

6/14 – White Rabbits @ Emos

whiterabbits01Fresh off the release of their It’s Frightening, White Rabbits returned to Austin, riding the wave of praise heaped upon them by various media outlets, ATH included. We ventured to Emos salivating at the chance to hear “Percussion Gun” live, as that clearly is one of our songs of the year. Local Austin band The Boxing Lesson opened up the evening, but they were practically done with their space-electronica when we made it into an empty indoor Emos. Follow the jump to read the full review.

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