Yesterday’s News: Another Taste of Tim Presley

timpresleyNot sure what Tim Presley could do that I wouldn’t adore, at the moment. His White Fences work has been great, but starting with his work with Cate le Bon on Drinks, he’s really fleshed out his sound. I hear bits of Talking Heads in this new track, especially in the notes he’s hitting with his voice. Of course, there are definitely some little guitar fuzz freak outs momentarily popping out, but I love the little turn into a tinkering piano piece just after the 2 minute mark. His new record, The WiNK will be released by Drag City on September 16th…and you can bet I’ll fawn over the whole thing…at least if it’s as good as this number.

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Tim Presley Releases Solo Effort

timpresleyI’m never tired of Tim Presley. You likely know his work, whether you’re aware of it or not. You know, bands like The Strange Boys, Darker My Love, White Fence and most recently Drinks (with Cate Le Bon). He’s stepping out under his own name, which makes sense, as this seems like a project that’s wholly his, and entirely different from his various other releases. It’s definitely a blend of post-punk and art punk…using jagged guitar stabs, steady rhythms and a sort of spoken-word delivery. The more I think about it, the more I realize that Tim might be one of my favorite working artists; I don’t dislike a single thing he’s touched. That, of course, makes me really excited Drag City will be releasing The WiNK on September 16th.

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