Spiritual Song from Cats of Transnistria

catsSometimes I stumble upon incredible songs, wondering to myself how on Earth I wouldn’t post it…this is what happened with this brand new Cats of Transnistria single the band released today. The song consists mostly of lightly picked guitar notes, touched every so carefully so as to allow the strings to ring on for a bit as new notes are picked; it creates a quieted wall of sound that allows for the airy vocal entrance Henna.  Her voice spectacularly floats in, floats out, fades away and is occasionally obscured by these brief bursts of discordant guitar.  It’s one of those songs you can’t pull yourself away from, so that’s a perfect way to start off your week. This is their first new material since their Away EP, which you can grab from Soliti Records…just until we wait more great music from the duo.

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