Last Week in Music, Today

We like to look back on Mondays, reflect on some jams we got to enjoy over the last week, particularly because its fun to see if they’ll have the longevity and make their way into the every day rotation. Plus, sometimes people just like it easy, so you can just stream all these songs and see what we wrote about last week. There were definitely some solid tunes from last week, with tons of Austin acts getting love (Big Bill, Gabe Hascall, Alexalone, Emily Wolfe), plus the usual fascination with what’s hot in Australia from Skydeck and Dag. Give it a stream, see if it fits your fancy!

Andronoids Share New Single

Andronoids are a fairly new act out of Sweden, and, for me, they’re sort of working both angles of my musical tastes. Structurally, the song has this energetic jangle that offered up energetic pop moments, particularly when the distortion is stripped clean. But, that’s also what I love, as the bounce only gets all the more fun when the track takes on the noisy distorted fuzz. There’s this whole carefree layer to the track that just makes you want to throw your hands in the air, say fuck it, and run off chasing the band down the street. So go on then.

Marble Arch Share Video for Today

I’ve spent a lot of time this year praising Marble Arch and their latest LP, Children of the Slump…so why stop there when they drop another video from the album. This tune was one of those really special ones for me when I first stumbled upon this LP; it reminded me a lot of Radio Dept., sort of offering up this spirited pop kaleidoscope that seemed digitally altered whilst also feeling wholly organic. I feel like the video does a great job matching up with that vibe, particularly because of the way the lighting; it feels like the lines of the world are blurred through the lens of pop aficionados, and I’m ever so in love with it. Children of the Slump is available now via Geographie.


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