And Another Guts Club Tune

When I heard that Lindsey Baker and her Guts Club project was going electric, I admittedly was a slight bit skeptical, having adored Shit Bug. But, through the first couple of singles from the forthcoming Trench Foot I’ve been fairly convinced, but never more than with this single below. It stretches over 6 minutes, with atmospheric touches working behind a solemn electric guitar line; then of course you’ve got Baker’s guttural drawl working alongside that lonesome stretch of musical highway. A slight uptick jumps in with some percussion at the 5 minute mark…and all of its worthy of your time. Look

Guts Club Releases Another New Single

Guts Club has long been on my personal radar, and while we expect a slightly different outing with the new release, we’re still happy to find some sonic lineage. For starters, Trench Foot is said to be entirely electric, but its presentation in this tune seems to be right in the soulful wheelhouse of Lindsey Baker; her vocal performance alone would be something to hang one’s hat upon. I also like how she brings in a gang of friends/voices to close the song out in a sort of campfire spiritual manner. The new album will be out on July 6th, just in time for your own campfire singalong.

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