New Video from Smokescreens

Another day and another post related to Slumberland Records…what can you say…the labels so hot right now. Today we’ve got the latest video from newly adored Smokescreens, who are prepping Used to Yesterday for a July release. This track is a dedicated ode to the band’s New Zealand influences, where you can hear the guitars working against each other in unison to craft a melody that seeps over into the vocals. I love some of the gang vocals on this track; they’re recorded in such a way as you can barely decipher between one voice, uniting the band as a singular pop entity. The song rules, the band rules (and they’ll be touring throughout August, so be on the lookout!).

Light Pop from The Proper Ornaments

properornamentsI think I’ve finally found the group that can replace the Lucksmiths in my category for favorite easy listening act: The Proper Ornaments.  There’s an airy quality that captures my soul, yet I’m still intrigued by the quiet swell of praise the band is getting beneath the radar.  The song below magically appeared in my inbox labeled as “Anthology,” and it appears on the group’s upcoming release Waiting for the Summer on Lo Recordingsyou can hear the whole LP at the label’s page.   But, checking in, the band are recording a video for another single that’s not on that release, yet came with my email, so I’m streaming that one; it’s called “Imagination.”  Here’s the two tracks. And the story probably doesn’t matter as much as the great tunes.

[audio:] [audio:]

Download: The Proper Ornaments – Nervous Breakdown [MP3]

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