GBMystical Announces Wannabe + Shares Remember

You’re going to want to head over to your calendar and mark up May 2nd; it’s the day that GBMystical, the project of Terrin Munawet, drops the new Wannabe LP. We get to peek inside the record today with “Remember,” and my earliest sentiment is that it fills the space that Greg Mendez filled up recently, sort of a singer-songwriter that blossoms into full-pop maestro. When you press play below, there is a certain charm and self-awareness that you get from someone like Tony Molina, especially with a line like “I forget all my best ideas.” But, while that’s a pleasant entry to the song, the album’s sonic morphs come to fruition as this tune opens up into a bright bit of California style pop; it kind of feels like he’s channeling the Dead, yet maximizing melodic warmth like later Woods records do. This song sets the stage for an album that moves in and out of like-minded styles, rewarding in different ways each step you go. Expect this to sell out over and over again; Wannabe drops May 2nd, via Bee Side Cassettes.

Autogramm Share WannaBe, Announce New LP

Wanted to start your day off with some solid pop rock, courtesy of Vancouver’s Autogramm. The band specialize in modern sounds, with an homage to classic pop hits Ric Ocasek might have been crafting behind the scenes. In the opening, there’s this huge playing riff, setting up this futuristic stomp that runs through the track. They then turn to this brilliant melodic pop delivery, reminiscent of great 90s alt radio sounds; it’s soaring charms with just the right amount of boogie to make your toes tap away. If you dig it, they’ll be releasing Music That Humans Can Play on November 14th via Stomp Records.


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