Last Week’s Jams (1.29 – 2.2)

If you were anywhere near the musical interwebs last week, then you were given a lot of gifts; there was new music from the likes of Six Organs of Admittance, Camera Obscura, Ducks Ltd and more…all of which feature in this rendition of Last Week’s Jams. It was a pretty solid week for the ATX too, with new music from Water Damage, Holy Wire, Broken Gold…plus a Touch Girl Apple Blossom video from their latest EP. Bonus points go to acts like Savak, Cool Sounds and Torrey for adding further joy to my listening rotation. We also mentioned some Bandcamp recommendations for True Green, Flight Mode, TVXP and Fuvk. Kick in below for all the sweet jams we’ve got in one easy listening spot.

New Stuff from 12XU: Water Damage + Love Child

It’s Bandcamp Friday, so I’m trying to hook you onto some cool stuff as much as I can today, like two new LPs that just popped up via Austin’s 12XU Label. The first is the sonic masterminds, Water Damage, who’ve just announced In E. Their perhaps one of the best live acts to capture in the Austin scene, building layer after layer and intoxicating listeners with this driving thunder that gets into your bones. This is the perfect place to lose yourself and then find your feet, again and again; it’s out on April 12th.

The label also announced a Love Child compilation, culling hits from 1988-1993. Honestly, it’s a band I hadn’t heard of, but now I have to have it! It’s the perfect bit of ramshackle pop music; there are elements of punk madness, but it’s all circled around well-executed pop structures. I keep thinking of a more rocking version of the Vaselines for some reason. Never Meant to Be is out on March 8th.

Show Preview: Lewsberg @ Hotel Vegas (10.5)

If you’re one of the three people in Austin reading this site, might I encourage you to join me tomorrow night over at Hotel Vegas? Dutch outfit Lewsberg, who we’ve been covering for a few years, are headed to our town, fresh on the back of their excellent Out and About LP (12XU). I know there are tons of folks in the greater city limits who love “post-punk,” or the like, so this is certainly a show you’ll want to catch; it’s like if you were taking the modern trends and styles and spinning it through the wheels of Calvin Johnson’s DIY joy-machine, with some mixtures of Broadcast/Stereolab thrown in to be cool. Plus, Hotel Vegas got it right, with the band playing at 11, so you can still get home in a reasonable hour, though I suggest sticking around to catch Cast of Thousands, the new band fronted by Max of Flesh Lights. Tickets are HERE. Heard Mark from THEMM will be there too; he always brings boxes of sliders!

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