Blood Release WWT55WMNEBA EP

Austin’s a fairly insulated city when it comes to the music scene. Sure, you’ve got your Spoon and The Black Pumas…and they deserve their due, but there are acts that might not ever make it out of the city, at least as far as the “media” is concerned. One act that we’ve all had our eyes on, hoping for larger exposure, is Blood, who just released their Why Wait Till ’55 We Might Not Even Be Alive EP; it’s a four song collection of undefinable shapeshifting rock n’ roll that sprawls over 20 minutes. In the confines of these four tunes you’ll find little droplets of hardcore and post rock, from Shellac to Cursive, yet done with enough pop panache that it’ll draw in fans of Shame, Black Midi and Fontaines DC. What a way to introduce yourselves to the world.

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