The High Water Marks Return with YFF

The High Water Marks are one of my absolutely favorite bands from the last few years; their last LP, Your Next Wolf, was probably one of the greatest pieces of power pop we’ve heard in years. Now, they’re back with a fresh single to honor the election cycle, taking aim at fascism and all those who’ve encouraged it’s rebirth into the mainstream consciousness. While it’s such an incredibly important topic, there’s still much charm to this track that it’s hard to ignore their graceful approach to the subject, making you melt with melody like nothing else you’ve heard this week. Maybe not Beyonce, but a great political piece you can crank up real loud.

The High Water Marks Drop One Last Single

You likely will not hear me raving about the High Water Marks for the next few weeks (unless you’re just hanging at my house) on this site, as this is the band’s final single to sell you on Your Next Wolf. This track, unlike some of the earlier singles from the LP, is a little bit more of a pop rock caress, coming in with a softness on the jangles and the edges. It’s nice switch of pace, showing the band’s ability to switch gears, though you’ll find the band don’t lose their penchant for soaring melodies when you reach the chorus; it’s got just as delicious of a hook as you’ll find anywhere else on the record. Speaking of the record, Your Next Wolf is out on June 23rd, so I’m pretty sure you’ve ordered it already!

The High Water Marks Rock American Candy

I cannot currently think of a band that is creating pop rock as good as The High Water Marks; there’s not even a band that comes that close in my mind. This go round, the group offer up a big wall of noise to go with their tasty musical treats; you’re greeted by that punch from the get-go, smashing through your speakers with this big wall of heavy riffs and thumping percussion. Still, those move to the side to drop in these lighter jangling notes and catchy melodies (throwing in some bonus whoohoos never hurts either); it’s the gravitational pull of the group’s work, even when they’re willing to blow your hair back with some punchy bits of volume. The group will be instantly world-famous when they drop Your Next Wolf on June 23rd.

The High Water Marks Share Let’s Hang Out Forever

It seems crazy to me that the latest single from perennial ATH faves The High Water Marks started out as what the band called “a mellow pop tune…about finding what you love and doing it forever,” as the instant you click play, it will seem like anything other than mellow. You’re met with a quick drum roll and bending guitar notes tearing right through your speakers, but don’t fear, as the band quickly slide right back into the best brand of power pop you’re going to find today (and the next). Slight little pop jangles hang in the air, with the melody driving the song towards its enthusiastic choral chorus performed by the whole band. Every great single the band drop brings us closer to the release of their next album, Your Next Wolf, so keep your ears ready!

High Water Marks Share An Imposed Exile

After working on this site for the better part of 15 years, there are some things that ultimately supersede trends and cool points: pop execution. Admittedly, there’s a lot of up-and-comers bringing in new brands of pop that are equally as interesting as they are challenging, but when it comes to the High Water Marks, I’m all about the execution of perfect pop. Sure, they’ve got founding Elephant 6 members in the band, but the melodic nature of the vocals galloping atop those fuzzy jangling guitars is just absolutely sublime. There’s something freeing about the tried and true, so I’m soaring with this new nugget of perfect pop; the band release Your Next Wolf on June 9th.

The High Water Marks Return with New Single

If, by some odd chance, you missed out on last year’s Proclaimer of Things, you can certainly rectify that by running to listen to last year’s hit LP. But, if you just want to jump right in to the new new, give a listen to the High Water Marks latest single, with the promise of new LP coming later in the year! I won’t even mention the ties to Elephant 6 (oops!) because the song’s just a straight pop rock tune that you’ll want to play again and again. It brings about just the slightest heaviness in the riffs, with a solid bop going on in the percussive element keeping your toes tapping. Oh, and if your band is doing dual vocal approaches, please make them this delightful. We’ll keep you posted on Your Next Wolf when we hear more!

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