Quirky Pop from Bastards of Fate

Bastards_of_FateSomewhere in the last decade we’ve all started taking our artistic statements way too seriously, especially as commenters on the world of music.  Personally, I accept that fault, but I still hold a really special place in my heart for oddball pop songs that might not get the appreciation they deserve.  Such a tune came in my inbox this week via Bastards of Fate, who are set to release their new album, Vampires are Real and Palpable.  There’s moments when you can see the lineage to acts like Of Montreal or Elf Power, but they also take things into their own hands, blending in a demonic voice near the end of the track, then off-setting it with a high-pitched bit.  It’s a good song that embraces the idea of frivolity in songwriting; you should definitely take a listen.



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