New Music From The Pack AD

Our Canadian friends the Pack AD have a new song for you enjoyment. The song is called “Making Gestures” and come from the bands soon to be released Funeral Mixtape due out on August 12th. They sort of sound like a cross between The White Stripes & The Black Keys with a girl singing. Read more about them over on that all to familiar social network.


Download: makinggestures.mp3

Blues On The Green

Blues on the Green goes down this evening starting at 7:30pm with Los Lonely Boys headlining the event. If you’ve never done the Blues thing, I’d suggest showing up early with a folding chair, a cooler of your favorite beverage & maybe some treats to snack on during the show. You don’t have to pay anything to get in but you will pay to park at Zilker…. so park somewhere else and walk. You can read more about Blues on the Green on the KGSR website.

Chromeo – Fancier Footwork

Rating: ★★★★☆

This album doesn’t really need a review. Odds are you already have it, or at least you should have it, but just in case you haven’t. This album is a “Deluxe Edition,” but I am not sure that it really warrants that title. It’s the original album, and then they add a bunch of remixes. I guess that merits a reissue.

Now, if you don’t have this album, here is why you need it.

Remember those really cheesy songs from your dances in middle school. The ones where you danced in a circle with all your friends while you were carefully avoiding contact with the opposite sex? They were songs full of carefully constructed beats; the majority of which were made on really simple keyboards. If you remember that with fondness, you have that nostalgia right here.

“Fancy Footwork” evokes everything from an eighties staple song that you want. There are effects on the vocals, and the lyrics don’t really have much purpose, but you know that with the simple beats that you and your friends will be dancing around the living room with Lone Star in hand.

I think that any person could find great faults in this album. There isn’t an ounce of of originality in the music, and the lyrics are nothing but comedic–a good thing in my opinion. But, Chromeo approaches there craft unapologetically. They didn’t come here to make you wax poetic about the hidden meaning in their songs; this band came to make you dance. Dance you will.

The most playful track on the album for me is “Momma’s Boy.” Lyrically, it speaks of a boy and girl who are a little too much into their attachment with their parents. Now, if you don’t find the lyrics mildly hilarious, then something is probably wrong with you. And, you can shake it to this song as well!

The bonus disc here has some new material not present on the original album. But, for the most part it is filled with remixes, which don’t really do much to the original songs; I guess they give you a different perspective.

All in all, this album is the dance album you need to own. Okay, so some of the songs go on a minute or two too long, but you will find that every track on this record is worthy of some booty shaking. After all, its summer time, and you have no excuse not to dance the night away with your friends. Go buy it. Go dance with it. Thank me later.

Fancy Footwork!


Download: fancyfootwork.mp3

Waterloo Video Closing

Your favorite video store in town, Waterloo Video, is closing its doors sometime in mid-august.  Sounds like they will be moving all the non-rental type videos into a newly remodeled Waterloo Record Store.  So that means Waterloo is officially out of the rental business.  Too bad.  Good news is, Video store closings = video store sales.  So pay your last respects to Waterloo video sometime in the next month and stock up on the cheap stuff.


Lackthereof, side project of Menomena drummer Danny Seim, has a new song for you off forthcoming album Your Anchor due out on July 22nd. The song is called “Last November” and it’s planting a seed inside my head and growing a flower.  This album could be a surprise best of 2008 pick.  Read more about Lacktthereof over on da myspace.


Download: lastnovember.mp3

One For The Team

Read about this band One for the Team on some other websites and I like the pop goodness they are bringing so I thought we’d post a little song. The song below is called “Better Job” off the bands soon to be released album Build it Up, which you can buy now on itunes for only $5.99. Read more about the band on their myspace page.


Download: betterjob.mp3

Beck – Modern Guilt

Rating: ★★★☆☆

When reviewing a Beck record I think you come across some very difficult waters. The man is revered by so many, and at the same time, it’s become increasingly difficult to put a definition on his music. You have to respect that, yet at the same time, it’s not the easiest thing to write about.

With this album, you have the uber-producer Danger Mouse aiding the production along the way. It’s kind of an odd step, and one that I was skeptical of – I’m not a DM kind of guy. That’s where we begin.

The album opens well enough with “Orphans.” You have some of the staple touches of DM, accompanied by the gentle guitar work of Beck, for which he always wins me over. He throws in some hand-claps as well, which I believe is becoming a bit of a Beck staple. It’s a good start.

“Gamma Ray” is the next track, and its the track you expected to hear on this album. It’s got a bouncing little bass line that pushes the song all the way through. Sure, you have vocals and such, but if you can’t get into this bass line, then you can’t get into this song. This is definitely a high-point on the album.

“Chemtrails” seems like an odd song to follow the previous track. It’s mellow atmospherics leave it completely juxtaposed to “Gamma Ray,” which is probably the intention. Stay with this song because it picks up in the end, with Beck or Danger Mouse, doing his best Stereolab/Air imitation.

The album’s title track comes next. Once again, this is a head bobber. You can’t help but realize that your feet are tapping, while Beck’s familiar voice dances on in the background. Honestly, I’m starting to realize that his voice is playing second fiddle on some of these more upbeat songs, which is kind of disappointing.

I didn’t get much from “Youthless.” You can blame me for poor tastes I guess. Perhaps because it comes off to me like Beck vs. Gnarls Barkley.

I love the next track, or I love the vocals on this next track, “Walls.” The beats present in the background don’t do much to enhance this song. Beck has that passion in his voice here, but it’s the kind of passion that makes you wish he would just pick up his guitar and sing it to you straight.

Then you can skip the next track. I did.

We find ourselves at “Soul of a Man.” This is a solid track, and another of the upbeat numbers you will find, even if the guitar sound does come off like every other garage rock tune you’ve heard in the past years. But, the pace is stepped back up on the album, which is probably where the focus of this album should stay, which it does. “Profanity Prayers” continues the pace, with pounding drums in your ears. One of the better songs on the album. To me this album just screams good times. This should definitely be included in the live set; it just has that feel to it.

Then we close the album with “Volcano.” A down-trodden little number where the acoustic guitar work really makes me reminisce about Sea Changes. It’s a good call to close the album here. For me, its the song that most resembles the Beck I came to know and like. Nice call here.

As I play this time and time again, I can’t help but feel a little distance from it. I don’t find Danger Mouse’s work very interesting, in fact, I think it kind of comes off like everything else he’s done recently. Perhaps he’s just tapped into the same thing one too many times. Due to that, it just doesn’t have the feel of a solid Beck album. Sure, there are some high points, like “Gamma Ray” and “Volcano,” but there are some moments that just don’t reach the listener.

I guess at the end of the day, he can do whatever he really wants to do. He’s earned that right, and as long as he keeps releasing albums with several great songs, I think he’ll still be important. I’m just waiting for him to put out that solid album, all the way through. I’ll keep waiting.

Below is “Gamma Ray” off the new album:


Download: gammaray.mp3

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