Franz Ferdinand – Tonight Franz Ferdinand

tonightffRating: ★★★½☆

Let’s face it, Franz Ferdinand, though extremely enjoyable, has never been breaking a lot of ground with their push to get you to dance.  Comparisons to various bands crossed all over their debut, and this album is no different.  But, approaching the end of the day, you’ll still find that another solid record from this Scottish group, Tonight Franz Ferdinand, is not necessarily a bad thing.

“Ulysses,” the opening track surfaced a few months back, and it offered promise of a more dance-worthy set of tunes.  The problem with that approach to a description of this album is that the band has always been a dance-laden band.  Sure, they took a slow dance approach last go-round, but they’ve always encouraged you to dance, since their inception!

Sure, a song like “Turn It On” definitely will make you hit the dance floor a little harder, as the beat entices you to grab your friend and head straight for the floor.  In fact, all the songs, excluding “Send Him Away” and “Katherine Kiss Me” have a danceable quality, and even those two aforementioned songs will allow you sway with your partner in a reasonable fashion.

Once again, the band succeeds on various levels.  Somehow, singer Alex K is capable of crafting lyrics, accompanied by harmonies of course, that suggest involvement from all parties, listener and band member alike.  This is perhaps the best modern approach to dance music, as everyone loves a little participation.  Then you have to add the increasingly steady rhythm section, which always manages to create songs that make you want to stomp around. In addition, they sound tighter than ever before.  It’s the same stylistic approach as previous efforts, but small changes have pushed the band further than before.

One thing is clear here, the production has changed on this album.  The vocals sound a lot clearer here, and the music just seems to have a more straightforward clarity.  Increased synth or keyboard elements have also given the band a stronger edge in their overall appeal, at least when that pertains to dance floor ready tracks.  They don’t seem out of place on the record, rather an expected progression from a group that seems to clearly be searching for a new direction.  Another noticeable change appears in Kapronos’ voice.  There is a bit of a croon here, that visited at times in the past, but was never as prevalent.

At the close of the album, you aren’t blown away.  You probably can’t decipher every single song from those before it.  You can, however, say that you thoroughly enjoyed your listening experience.  You will look forward to cleaning your house with this playing loudly in the background.  It’s a good album, and you’ll enjoy it, you just won’t adore it.


Download: Franz Ferdinand – Ulysses [MP3]

More New Appleseed Cast

Several months ago word got around that Appleseed Cast were finally planning to release a follow up to Peregrine of 2006.  These rumors were confirmed when we found a little demo of a new song called “Road West” way back in September.  A few months later, the band offered up finished track “Raise the Sails” which got even more positive buzz going around the music world.  Today we offer another sneak peek of the new album with a track entitled “As the Little Things Go”.  The new song is another instrumental oriented tune that seems to hark back to the days of Low Level Owl 1 & 2.  You’ll be able to pick up Appleseed Cast’s new album Sagarmatha on February 17th and catch one of their stellar live shows at the Mohawk on the 7th.


Download: Appleseed Cast – As the Little Things Go [MP3]

New Music From The Wrens

After much buzz in the internet world, The Wrens are finally confirming that an album is indeed in the works and being recorded as we speak.  The band has also just offered up the first sneak peak MP3 of the album with an as of yet titled song.  The new track is apparently a rough cut of better things to come, but we couldn’t resist the first taste of new material since 2003s Meadowlands.


Download: The Wrens – New Song [MP3]

Magnetic Morning – A.M.

Rating: ★★★★☆

When the rumor mill put Sam Fogarino of Interpol with Adam Franklin of Swervedriver together, no knew exactly what to expect from the duo.  Both men have achieved varying levels of success, but could they put it altogether?  Simply put, the answer is an absolute yes! Here it is ladies and gents, Magnetic Morning.

Immediately the band opens with “Spring Unseen,” a gentle number where vocal harmonies seem to burst into the song like flowers in the Spring.  Franklin’s trademark voice sounds incredibly familiar, yet he seems to have grown with it as time has passed.  Here the band sets up to the stage for the entire album, allowing all space to be filled sonically with ambient washes of guitar.  It’s a tactic that will remain prevalent throughout your listening experience to this album.

Oddly, the music seems both dated and refreshing.  There isn’t a lot out there right now in the realm of dramatic pop soundscapes, at least not a whole lot that will move you.  Despite the fact that it seems like a missing step-child in the world of indie-rock, it still comes out as remarkably fresh.  Every minute of the album is worth steeping yourself inside, as you wait carefully, quietly even, for the song to unfold before you.  This entire album will aimlessly float through your brain as the melodies become a part of you.

Looking at the song titles alone will show you precisely what the album is about, conceptually speaking.  It seems to be that Mr. Franklin is continuing to search for the answers, as we all inevitably are.  He approaches the subject matter with a perfect simplicity, one that will surely allow listeners to associate with his words.  Not to mention, a few songs seemingly deal with loss, of a friend or loved one you will have to find out.

Ultimately, this is an album that affects your mood, regardless of where you find yourself in the day.  It’s a somber affair, forcing, or asking rather, that listeners take a minute, or twenty, out of their day to let these songs invest themselves in your soul.  In the end, you’ll be glad you found the time to sink quietly into this wonderful album.


Download: Magnetic Morning – No Direction [MP3]

New Music From The Rakes

We just found the catchy little diddy “The Light From Your Mac” by UK band The Rakes on the interweb today and wanted to share it with you. The song is the first single from their forthcoming release Klang due out March 24th. This one’s already getting heavy rotation on our dance party playlist.


Download: The Rakes – Light From Your Mac [MP3]

Glasvegas On The Interface

We hereby promise to take a break from Glasvegas posts after today… we just couldn’t resist these awesome live videos.  You can watch a 4 song in studio of the Scottish band over on The Interface website.  The set features four of the best songs from the band’s self titled debut LP.


Download: Glasvegas – It’s My Own Cheating Heart That Makes Me Cry [MP3]

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