Broken Records

32242jpegNot too sure if we’re late getting on the bandwagon for Edinburgh band Broken Records, but you can consider us fully aboard the fan train.  Sounds and influences seem to draw heavily from fellow Scottish indie bands like Frightened Rabbit with a more native Celtic sound. Forming in the land of Scots back in 2006, the band is set to release a debut full length album Until the Earth Begins to Part on June 1st via the famous 4AD record label.


Download: Broken Records – If Eilert Loevborg Wrote a Song it Would Sound Like This [MP3]

SXSW In Pictures

sxsw2009pics_coverWe took loads of photos during SXSW and wanted to share just a few of the better ones with you.  We had some camera trouble during the week so we didn’t get everywhere we wanted to be, but we hope you like the shots we made out with. Our goal was to give you an idea of what SXSW is like with pictures of bands, crowds and people. Pictures of our showcase will be up for your enjoyment tomorrow. Follow the jump to see some random photography from our insane week of SXSW fun.
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White Denim @ Antone’s (3/27)

white-denimDespite our minor disappointment in the new White Denim album, the band is still arguably the best local live act around.  You can catch a very special show with the garage rockers this Friday at Antone’s for only $10!  Rounding out a a great local lineup are up and comers Built by Snow and Harlem.  Music starts at 10pm and doors are at 9.  Get some tickets now.


Download: White Denim – Sitting [MP3]

New Tunes from Passion Pit

passionPassion Pit has been all the rage since releasing their EP last year, and the new album, Manners, is riding along the hype machine, to what we can only hope is a worthy debut. This song, “The Reeling” starts off a bit slow, but wait a few seconds and you will see why the band has garnered a lot of praise from the media. Coated in the past, but pushing forward.


Download: Passion Pit – The Reeling [MP3]

Harlem Shakes – Technicolor Health

harlemRating: ★★★½☆

Every once in a while you walk across a band with a little bit of a reputation, and very little else.  This is where you come across Harlem Shakes, a band that has been slowly climbing the indie-pop ladder rung by rung.  Their new album, Technicolor Health, will only encourage more people to climb upon their back as they aim to reach the top.

Opening the album, you’ll find that various electronic elements are crawling all over the first song, much the way that they crawl all over the entire album. But, these little bleeps and blips grab more urgency when the rest of the band kicks in, throwing horns and guitar into the mix.  It’s an eclectic sound to say the least, but they manage wrangle it all together in an effort to create pop gems.

Singer Lexy bares a strong resemblance to the vocal registry of John K Samson of The Weakerthans, especially in “Strictly Game,” though just as you start to hear that in his voice, it changes directions.  This is precisely one of the elements of this album that allows listeners to maintain their interest, as the band takes turn after turn through their pop repertoire, leaving nary a stone unturned.  The entire kitchen sink has been nicely set in this album, and yet it still all sounds remarkably charming.

Some of the songs are downright destined to encourage you to shake your boots, but then there are other moments that seem to show a certain bit of restraint.  “Niagra Falls” appears to pay homage to a bit of classic rock elements, and one might even say shares a missing link with Clap Your Hands Say Yeah, back when they were still good.  The piano laden track bubbles gently beneath the surface of your ear drum, drifting off quietly just before it gets annoying.

Such seems to be the story of the band.  What once would be considered overbearing self-indulgence in instrument usage is restrained just enough so as not to appear as such.  Just as you think it all begins to get to be a bit too much, the band pulls it all back in, honing their skills in the craft of restraint. Your left with a great sense of respect, as the combination of such instruments never seems to be entirely too much, though looking at the inclusion of these things would lead you think otherwise.

Everything here is simpler than one expects, which is how this band will win you over.  They’ve created an album full of songs that push your boundaries of listening, yet draw you in with catchy melodies and clever lyrics.  At times, it might be a bit much for the listener due to the overabundance of sounds, but like the band, you should show restraint, and give this album a proper chance, as repeated listening provides for great rewards.


Download: Harlem Shakes – Niagra Falls [MP3]

The Bubbles @ Mohawk (3/26)

mohawkposterSeveral great local and rising to fame acts will be playing at Mohawk on Thursday night.  The lineup features Great Nostalgic (who have a great new album you need), Frantic Clam, Whitman, and The Bubbles.  Frequent visitors to our site know that we give lots of coverage to these bands and always support you seeing them live.  If you’ve got a little bit of time on your hands, head over to our friends do512 to like this event and get the buzz train movin!  Music is set to start at 10pm with Great Nostalgic.


Download: The Bubbles – Late Long Night [MP3]

Sound Advice Vol. III

sunsetpromoOur friends over at Austin Sound just came out with volume III of their Sound Advice series and it’s pretty sweet this year.  The huge sampler features 21 tracks from all the best under the radar acts currently playing music in Austin.  You can get music from Built by Snow, Model UN, Harlem, and tons of other great bands.  Thanks for putting this together guys!  Here’s a track on the sampler from ATH favorite Sunset.


Download: Sunset – When Perfect Flames Expire [MP3]

Free Album Streams

So many artists are beginning to realize that actually selling albums is impossible and are turning to streaming music online to possibly spark album sales.  Not sure about the strategy, but this week features a slew of solid releases that you can try before you buy.  Spinner is streaming loads of new releases this week like The Decemberists, Obits, the flippin’ Pearl Jam Ten re-issue, Gomez and several more.  Peter, Bjorn & John are also streaming their new album Living Thing over on their myspace page.  What’s your take on some of these new albums?

New Tunes from Death Cab for Cutie

deathSomewhere in the history of my adolescence, I adored this band. I’ve watched them change and grow from album to album, always finding something to appreciate. There newest album Narrow Stairs saw them branch further than before, but it also didn’t seem to fulfill Ben Gibbard’s desire for perfect acoustic songs with Death Cab. This number reminds us all why we fell in love with his songwriting, and check the midway mark for a change in the song’s progression. The song is the first track off their new Open Door EP coming out next week digitally.


Download: Death Cab for Cutie – Little Bribes [MP3]

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