From The Closet: At The Drive-In
Now I promise not to make this another one of those “man I wish Mars Volta would break-up so At the Drive-In would get back together” type of posts. I like Mars Volta, I really do. Well at least I used to a few years ago when they still put out listenable material… I’m giving you “Invalid Litter Dept.” from the incomparable 2000 album Relationship of Command because it’s always been one of my ATDI favorites since I first heard the album. It also marks the bands last effort together before all shit broke loose and most everyone went their separate ways. Enjoy it and pick up this album if you’re the last fool on the planet who doesn’t own it.
this cd and in casino/out are two of the best records of all time.
priceless+timeless+saturated with goodness. ROCK
@monumnet to no one: Right On! Preach It.
Can I get a witness?
I still say that the Vaya EP has some of the best work they’ve done. I thought Relationship in Command was too over the top. But, yes, In/Casino/Out….still good.
Rascuache on the Vaya EP is def one of my faves.