New Music From Seabear

sea-bearIcelandic outfit Seabear are prepping a new album for release in March on Morr music.  The new LP will be called We Built a Fire and features this new single “Lion Face Boy”.  It features the soft style folk sound we’ve gotten used to after the band’s debut LP in ’07.  Enjoy.


Download: Lion Face Boy – Single Version [MP3]

Spoon – Transference

SpoonCoverRating: ★★★★☆

A few years back, Spoon created a pop masterpiece when they put out Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga (is that enough Gas?).  They return here with Transference, a record that may not be as easily accessible as their previous effort, but one that seemingly feels more rewarding than its predecessor.  Where Ga Ga Ga hit you in the face quick, Transference takes time to unfold before you, often upon repeated listens.

As the hazy organ work grinds over the opening moments of the album, you can tell that the tendency to rely upon hooks is gone.  Still, when you hear the audio switch from having Britt in another room, to having him right in your ear, you can tell that hooks aren’t required to reveal the power in this record.  It’s a dense tune, but it feels more like the reworking of tracks off Kill the Moonlight.

A lot of listeners will wonder where the catchy numbers have gone, as this record feels striped down and dirty by the time you get through the first three songs.  Then you come across “Who Makes Your Money.”  Initially, I couldn’t understand this song in the spectrum of the Spoon catalogue, but the more I listened to the record, the playfulness with which Britt approaches the vocals is so rewarding in time that it’s hard not to see this as one of the album’s stronger moments, which says a lot considering how simple it feels.

Oddly, the slow burner that is Transference is just picking up the pace.  “Written in Reverse” makes waves as it did upon its release as the single months back.  You combine that with the grittiness of “I Saw the Light,” and you can’t help but feel as if Spoon are finally hitting full stride midway through the album, preparing to carry you into bliss.  Such is the moment when you arrive at the brightest moments on the record, with “Terrible” and “Goodnight Laura.”

“Terrible” has the lo-fi appeal that everyone seems to crave in their musical coffee, yet it maintains the clever layering that Spoon has always held on to in their songwriting.  As the song barrels along, you can feel the classic moments of the band’s history come back into the present.  Then you stumble upon “Goodnight Laura,” which has to be my hand’s down favorite song on the album.  It reminds me of “Black Like Me” of Ga Ga Ga in its ability to evoke the utmost emotion from the listener, except it utilizes a piano as opposed to the use of guitar. Yet the hits don’t stop coming right here.

Transference fades into its closing moments filled with tunes like “Got Nuffin,” a song you already should have heard by the group, and “Nobody Gets Me But You.”  Neither of these songs feels completely polished, unlike the last album, so it maintains the quality that was established at the beginning. It has that sense of trial and error, though they clearly care less about the errors, choosing to leave them as part of the complete portrait they intended to create.

In closing, a lot of people just don’t get Spoon. They’ll claim that the band lack some sort of killer instinct, or that they chose to produced the album themselves, but let’s not forget they have Jim Eno and Britt Daniels, both who have produced records of brilliance in their own right (White Rabbits anyone?).  At the end of the day, the more you listen to this album the more you will get out of it, as it unravels bit by bit, leaving you with such a wonderful record that you’ll have to look hard to find faults.  It reaffirms that Spoon is one of (if not the only) the most consistent bands around, and Transference just adds to their list of quality records.

FT5: Modern Rock Stars

0115top5coverWe really live in a day and age when the idea of being a rock star is just about gone. Gone are the days of the lead singer who gets mobbed by fans everywhere they go or sleeps in hotel rooms full of strange women.  We don’t even get a lot of musicians with drug and alcohol problems anymore or who quite obviously don’t give a shit what anyone thinks.  You know, those people who were just way cooler than you ever hoped to be?  Dylan, Jagger, Plant, etc.  We all know the names.  That’s what makes them rock stars.  So today I wanted to create a list of those “modern rock stars” who have carried the torch of debauchery and coolness into a new age.  These guys (and gals) represent all the great things about being a rock star: alcohol/drug rehab stints, celebrity girlfriends, trend setting, don’t give a shit attitude, members of popular bands, and decent music all earn you a place on this list.  As a disclaimer I’ll say that all these artists rose to fame in the last decade so this means you won’t see a Dave Grohl or Eddie Vedder on this list because they have long been in the halls of the greats.  I’ll also make an attempt to compare each artist to who they most closely resemble from years past.  Please don’t assume that I’m comparing anyone artistically, I just wanted to give you a  frame of reference.  Follow the jump for the full list.

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New Tunes from JJ

jjphotoOur friends over at GvsB alerted us to a new tune that will be coming out on JJ‘s new album JJ n° 3, which hits stores March 9th via Secretly Canadian. Based on the adoration by all the blogs last year, this should be an album you’ll want to check out.  I can’t help but feel as if the harmonica changes their dynamic on this tune, but in a good way, I assure you.  Grab a listen.


Download: JJ – Let Go [MP3]

New Tunes from Good Shoes

goodshoesUK band Good Shoes got a lot of great press after the release of their last album, but they’re ready to make huge waves with their newest record No Hope, No Future, which comes out on January 25th.  The rhythmic bounce in this song makes it perfect for a Friday tune; it reminds us a lot of our favorite UK band the Mystery Jets.  Maybe they’ll both hit the U.S. together! We can only hope, but for now, let your feet tap!  Or head to their site for a preview of 4 songs off the new album.


Download: Good Shoes – Under Control [MP3]

FTC: Beulah

beulahIn this week’s edition of From the Closet we bring you the band Beulah.  I was fortunate enough to catch them for the second time on their final tour for their album Yoko.  Needless to say, I was quite a fan of the group; their blend of sunny pop fused with horns and perfect backing vocals just fit that time of my life.  I still travel back in time with their classic record The Coast is Never Clear, which everyone really needs to have in their collection; you won’t find a bad song on the album.  Luckily, though Beulah have gone away, main man Miles Kurosky is heading back into the world with some new tunes.  He just released a new EP titled  The Desert of Shallow Effects via Majordomo and available through iTunes, and he’s got a new album slated for March. Based on his output with Beulah, it’s bound to be chock full of great tunes!  So lets travel back in time with Beulah, and relish in the simple of days of sunny pop with no pretension.


New Tunes from Thunder Power

Thunder_PowerIt’s been a long time since I’ve really visited the music of Omaha, but now that I’ve heard Thunder Power, it’s time to revisit the great scene in that town.  Thunder Power is releasing a new split EP titled Hearts Intersect, which will hit stores March 2nd.  Take a listen to the track, and see if you can get back in the swing of that old Omaha sound.


Download: Thunder Power – Heartifact [MP3]

New Music From Clem Snide

25_clem_snide_04We’ve long made it known that we are big fans of Eef Barzelay and his indie rock outfit Clem Snide.  After a so-so release last year with Hungry Bird, the band is already back in 2010 with a new LP entitled The Meat of Life.  A few songs from the new album, including “Denise” found below, have been turning up on the interwebs over the last few days as well.  This first preview we’re bringing you shows promise of a more upbeat and poppy album as opposed to the slow burner from last year.  You can also stream the album in it’s entirety over on the 429 Records website prior to its February 23rd release date.  Nice.

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