New Tunes from Northern Portrait

nThe wonderful thing about being brand loyal, especially when it refers to record labels, is that you are usually guaranteed to like one thing, if you like the rest of the label’s output.  Such is the case with Matinee Records, the label that put out Cats on Fire (one of my 09 must haves).  Now, through their web site, I discovered another gem,  by the name of Northern Portrait.  The group is from Denmark, and they write jangle pop, some might even call it twee. Whatever it is, it’s good. You’ll like it.


Download: Northern Portrait – New Favourite Moment [MP3]

Above The Radar Party @ Ghost Room

monahans 1.16 smWe’re happy to announce today a little party we’re helping put on next weekend at the up and coming music venue Ghost Room.  This little shindig is hosted by Above the Radar PR and Do512 along with support from yours truly and End of an Ear Records.  The lineup features 3 solid local bands going by the names of MonahansSad Accordions and Frank Smith.  To make the event even that much more special, we will all be there to celebrate the birth year of our dear friend Michael over at Sonic Itch.  Word on the street has it that he is old as dirt so expect him to turn to dust at the stroke of midnight.  Should be good times had by all.  We’ll make sure to plug this party again a few days before the January 16th date next week.  Show time?  9pm ladies.


Download: Sad Accordions – Sacrificial Chumpsucker Diatribe [MP3]

New Old Tunes from The Loom

loomBrooklyn band The Loom have it all if you ask me.  They sound like a good old fashioned folk collective, a la Rock Plaza Central; they have multiple ladies in the band; they feature a lot of work with banjos.  Recently, the band raised enough money to go into the studio and record their debut album, and I’m pleased to bring the group to your attention, as I’ve been listening to the band’s 2008 EP since I first got my hands on it a year or so ago via a friend in New York.  They’ve received stellar reviews, played solid CMJ shows, and for those of you who haven’t heard them, now is your chance.  Unfortunately, this is an old track (though it’s probably new to you), but it shows nothing but promise of great things to come from the quintet.


Download: The Loom – Song for the Winter Sun [MP3]

New Tunes From Besnard Lakes

ThuSep101823462009My mind is seriously about to explode at the thought of all the albums I’m going to have to buy between now and March.  The upcoming release list just keeps getting sicker and sicker.  Canadians Besnard Lakes are getting in on the action as well with their 3rd studio album The Besnard Lakes Are the Roaring Night due out March 9th on JagJauwar.  Prior to that release, check out this new single “Albatross” which will actually be available as a vinyl 12″ single next month.  Suhweet.


Download: Besnard Lakes – Albatross [MP3]

New Music From Aloha

01111_Aloha3Polyvinyl Records band Aloha are yet another band returning in 2010 after a lengthy break in new material.  The band’s new LP is set to be called Home Acres and hits stores March 9th.  Head down below and you’ll find brand new single “Moonless March” from the upcoming LP.  Anyone ready to offer up some first impressions?


Download: Aloha – Moonless March [MP3]

New Tunes from Love Is All

loveisallIt really hasn’t been too long since we last heard from Love Is All, the band having put out a 12″ last year with covers and some new tunes.  Now, they’ve switched up labels completely, landing on Polyvinyl for their new release.  Said album hits stores on March 23rd, and is yet another number filled title, Two Thousand and Ten Injuries.  Give this new tune a whirl.


Download: Love Is All – Kungen [MP3]

New Music From Rogue Wave

roguewaveAfter too many struggles with personal loss and injury, we’re happy to see that Cali band Rogue Wave are returning in 2010 with new material.  The guys have apparently written what they’re calling a “dance” record that goes by the name Permalight.  Check out first single “Good Morning” which debuted yesterday and find out Rogue Wave dance music sounds likes.  The new LP will be out March 2nd on Brushfire.


Download: Rogue Wave – Good Morning [MP3]

The Crayon Fields – All The Pleasures of the World

thumb_crayonRating: ★★★★½

In a year that offered lots of mediocre albums, 2009 had so many new records that it was hard to digest them all in due time for reviews.  Yet, I always intended to touch on this album, as I’ve loved The Crayon Fields since Animal Bells came out a few years back. 

“Mirrorball” made the list of our Top 50 songs of 2009, and it still draws a lot of power, months after it first hit our ears.  Singer Geoff O’ Connor has a real breathy vocal projection (like a pop whisperer), one that will recall Colin Bluntstone of The Zombies for many listeners…it’s just one of the many touchstones for the group.

One thing that differentiates the characterstics on All the Pleasures of the World from Animal Bells is that there seems to be a little bit of darkness lingering beneath each of the songs.  On Animal Bells, you had songs like “Living So Well,” which were full of sunny beach pop and gang vocal effects, but this doesn’t fit here.  On the album’s title track, amidst singing of pleasures, O’ Connor seems sort of resigned to see the pleasures, though not necessarily take part in them.  Perhaps the extra layering of instruments has made a more dense soundscape from which the band took off this round (some of the best being from the solid bass work). Just a guess.

When one comes across songs like “Celebrate” you can see how a Clientele reference might creep up in a review, but you might also note that the similarites are existant, yet polarizing.  Where The Clientele often feels extremely cold, and their melodies have a sense of brooding danger, The Crayon Fields put a little bit of energy into their artistry.  By this I really mean one thing: The Clientele gives you foggy melodies; The Crayon Fields blow the fog away with a touch of beach-side sunshine. 

You’ll also find a lot of the guitar-work of Glaswegians Belle and Sebastian lying beneath this album.  You can almost pick up on the homage being given in songs such as “Disappear” where there is a hint of swing and sway to the general atmospheric creation.  It’s not a bad thing to highlight, as I’m a fan of the former band, which also probably shows why I’m a huge fan of the latter.  Really, is there any ground for originality nowadays?

So, here I am, a few months after the release, though you will still find it hard to get a hold of All the Pleasures of the World in the U.S.  Be that as it may, you’ll do yourself, and the dollar, justice if you go out to your local hotspot and purchase the latest from The Crayon Fields, and the last one while you’re at it.


Download: The Crayon Fields – Mirror Ball [MP3]

Austin A2W: The Pons

theponsAfter a long lapse in Austin artist to watch features, we return this week with a spotlight on local band The Pons.  Some of you out there may remember this band under their old name Lalaland, which was changed to the much more grown up sounding Pons moniker a few years ago.  Not only did the band change their name after one release under Lalaland, but a former member also dropped off the roster to form the now 3 piece Pons. Fast forward just a bit to the new decade and the band has already released their debut LP In the Belly of a Giant in 2008 along with a few compilation CDs and mixtapes.  That debut long player is an album that we are unfortunately just now getting our hands on, but better late then never they say.  On the debut you’ll hear lead singer Thomas Mazzi sounding like a mixture of Jakob Dylan thrown in with a young Phil Collins.  Musical stylings of The Pons are generally related to 90s alt-rock, and one can easily see that comparison after a few spins of In the Belly of a Giant.  I’ve really taken a liking to the band because they remind me of a time when things were a bit simpler.  When a bass, guitar, drums and some vocal harmonies were all you needed to make music.  None of this backing track, electronica mumbo jumbo that we’ve grown accustomed to.  No, none of that.  Mazzi, along with Ruby Painter on bass and Steve Sanders on drums, create simple guitar driven jams with full, emotional and harmony laden choruses.  Good shit for you simpletons.  Keep an eye out for these guys in 2010 as talks of a sophomore LP are already in the works for the new year.  In fact, a few rough mixes of those new tracks can be heard on The Pons EPK.  Be sure to check out last single “Wherever You Are” below to decide if The Pons are for you.  Also, don’t forget that the band is playing free week at Stubbs this Friday along with Leatherbag.


Download: The Pons – Wherever You Are [MP3]

Stream New Vampire Weekend Album

So you haven’t found yourself a leak of the new Vampire Weekend album Contra yet?  Well head on over to NPR for a streaming version which is made available prior to the Jan. 12th release of the album.  Our amigos Ultra8201 also report that the band will be stopping in Austin in April and tickets for that show go on sale this Friday at 10am.  Think that will sell out fast?  Duh.  Be warned that tickets are running at $25 and count me as one writer who doesn’t really think this band is worth that price tag.  Maybe I’m just spoiled living in Austin… or maybe I’m right.

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