FT5: Songs About Loving Yourself

“My cousin Walter jerked off in public once. True story. He was on a plane to New Mexico when all of the sudden the hydraulics went. The plane started spinning around, going out of control, so he decides it’s all over and whips it out and starts beating it right there. So all the other passengers take a cue from him and they start whipping it out and beating like mad. So all the passengers are beating off, plummeting to their certain doom, when all of the sudden, snap! The hydraulics kick back in. The plane rights itself and it land safely and everyone puts their pieces or, whatever, you know, away and deboard. No one mentions the phenomenon to anyone else.”

Follow the jump for the Top 5 songs about just that.
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New Tunes from Television Personalities

Listening to this new track from Television Personalities has really made my week.  While I’ll admit that Dan Treacy’s vocals don’t sound as sharp as they once did, you can still see how they evoke the purest emotion.  Perhaps it is this reason that has made the group one of the best cult bands, often missing mass popularity by mere minutes.  But, just take one listen to this song, wait until the rest of the instrumentation really takes hold of the song, and tell me that you don’t like it.  Well, lucky for you (and me!) there will be many more songs coming out on the groups next album A Memory is Better Than Nothing, which is supposed to come out in June. Get into it; they could’ve been bigger than the Beatles.


Download: Television Personalities – Funny He Never Married [MP3]

Of Montreal @ Mohawk (5/23)

Date 5/23/10
Location Mohawk
Doors 8pm
Tickets Sold Outz

Oh man oh man.  Don’t you just love living in this city?  When I see things like huge indie band Of Montreal playing at a smaller venue like Mohawk, I just get all warm and tingly inside.  Hopefully you already got your tickets to this sold out show on Sunday or you’ll be stuck  scalping for a good time.  The visually and musically pleasing band will have opening support from Noot D’Noot and a solo set by James Husband.  Try to make your way to the inside stage as well for a set by hot locals Mother Falcon.

[audio: https://austintownhall.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/08/of-montreal-id-engager.mp3]

Download: Of Montreal – Id Engager [MP3]

More New Tunes from The Drums

Let’s face it, I’ve been all about The Drums ever since I discovered their beach-pop jangle “Let’s Go Surfing,” but we’re nearing the time for the release of their debut self-titled album.  Recent days have posted a clever video with the great track “Forever & Ever Amen,” which led me to go to the band’s site where they were offering the song we’re offering today.  Honestly, I really like the song, if not for the very fact that it’s not nearly as jangly and bouncy as their previous work, which means their debut could be all over the map. Personally, I think that means we can expect great things from the band this June.


Download: The Drums – It Will All End In Tears [MP3]

Cats on Fire – Dealing in Antiques

Rating: ★★★★★

Just a disclaimer, this is a collection album, including rarities, B-Sides, covers and a new track, all of which date as far back as 2002.  That being said, Cats on Fire is probably the one band that deserves your attention that you’ve possibly overlooked (mistake!).  If this is the case, then Dealing in Antiques is a great starting point, a place to find your footing as your obsession begins to grow.  For those of you already in the know, you have to be ecstatic to have access to these wondrous tunes.

You’ll know immediately that this group is willing to go out on a limb, as the being this collection with “Your Woman,” a cover of the hit by White Town. Still, keeping true to their form, there is a bit more of a jangle in the chorus guitar chord, giving more of a smooth bounce than the original provided with its club-banger tendencies.  They then lead you into 19 more tracks, each one worthy of your careful listening ear.

“Poor Students Dream of Marx” establishes the band’s sound as far back as 2004, and we’re lucky that they had such foresight to see their own greatness, even so early on in their career.  Personally, the way the guitar is played throughout the entire song just really gets me, especially when it picks up speed and difficulty.  Steady percussion keeps pace, allowing the guitar to cut in and out of the song, all of which accompany Mattias Bjorkas voice (imagine Morrissey-mixed with Jarvis Cocker, except more of a warmth tone as opposed to blatant sexuality).

However, not a band to be pigeon-holed, the group offers tracks like “Something Happened.”  There’s a bit of a gentle strumming along the guitar here, yet it all has a more country feel, almost folk-ish, showing that the band isn’t all about pristine jangle pop (though they knock that genre out of the park).  They immediately follow that with “On His Right Side,” which is one of those tracks that exhibits the beauty of this collection, as understated piano walks quietly in the background of Bjorkas and a heavily strummed guitar.  As Bjorkas reaches for that falsetto, you can’t help but to tingle just a bit; these are the sorts of moments that create cult followings.

As much as you’d liked to ignore the Morrissey similarity between Bjorkas and the man himself, a song like “You Will Find Me Where You Left Me” does definitely bring the aged crooner to mind.  Yet, there is a certain solemnity to the way Mattias sings throughout this song, as if he’s not seeking your understanding, merely evoking his own personal sentiment.  “Honey Your Baby” probably doesn’t do much either to distance Cats on Fire from The Smiths either, yet you have to really leave all that aside, as the sharpness of Marr is not quite as present here, instead replaced by a warmer, gentler guitar.   If you ask me, this is where the band achieves their bread and butter, asking you to fall in love alongside the record, rather than to merely listening to a story of another man falling in love.

Really, if you want a perfect record, this is probably as close as you can come.  You’ve got your jangle pop tunes, as previously mentioned, yet you’ve got slow burners such as “They Produced a Girl,” one of the band’s earliest songs on this collection.  The vocal quality is a bit dense, but its the perfect juxtaposition to the rest of the record, showing how what was rough merely needed a bit of polishing before creating gem after gem.  And to close out the record, they offer a new track, “The Hague.”  One listen to this track will make you salivate immediately for the next album, as this one surely isn’t enough.

If it weren’t for great little labels like Matinee Recordings, many people would probably not have the access to Cats on Fire, which would be tragic.  Listening to Dealing in Antiques gives the aura of a band beginning an enduring cult following.  You want all your friends to love this album, yet at the same time, you feel as if you’ll lock these tunes away forever.  Such is the way a quiet legacy is built, and such is the one you have before you after looking through the closet of this wonderful band from Finland.


Download: Cats on Fire – The Hague [MP3]

FTC: The Anniversary

So maybe with my from the closet features I’ll start getting the “emo kid” tag, but I don’t really care.  The era of the emo, post-emo, pop-emo, or whatever you wanna call it was when I really came into my own as a music critic and fan.  That era also exposed me to indie artists like Spoon, Wilco, Ryan Adams and tons of others that have become some of my all time favorites.  Now I won’t try to claim that emo kids The Anniversary belong in the same category as those bands, but they were good for what they were at the time.  I also wouldn’t claim the band as an inovator of the genre but more a band who rode on the coat tails of fellow midwest bands like Braid and The Get Up Kids.  I’ll of course be going with a song from their debut LP Designing a Nervous Breakdown since that was really the high point of the band that sort of fell off after that.  So why not re-live a little turn of the decade post-emo music with “The Heart is a Lonely Hunter” from The AnniversarySide Note: I once gave a member of The Anniversary the middle finger during their set at Emos for talking about the Kansas Jayhawks basketball team during the NCAA Tournament.  The guy saw me (I don’t remember which band member it was) and called me out, but I kept my middle finger raised.  Hey UT was in the Sweet 16 and this is Austin mo fo!  Kansas lost in the Final Four BTW.  Good story huh?

[audio: https://austintownhall.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/hunter.mp3]

New Tunes from Menomena

It’s been almost three years since we’ve heard any new material from Menomena.  They’re set to release their new album Mines on July 27th on Barsuk Records.  Based on this opening track it’s going to be another record of driving riffs and odd time changes, all built to please.  There is a sneaking suspicion that this record will make lots of year end lists, just as Friend or Foe, the group’s last project.   And on the mic, check it.

[audio: https://austintownhall.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/Menomena_-_Five_Little_Rooms-1.mp3]

 Download: Menomena – Five Little Rooms [MP3]

Autobus Records Showcase @ Stubbs (5/22)

Date 5/22/10
Location Stubbs
Doors 9pm
Tickets $5 with RSVP @ Do512

Anyone looking for something fun to do with some great music on Saturday night should head out to Stubbs for a local show sponsored by Autobus Records, Birds Barbershop, Do512, and Covert Curiosity.  The lineup features local favorites Brazos, Mark David Ashworth, The Weird Weeds, and one of my favorite new locals Sleep Good.  The price is super cheap and apparently some free Lone Star will be coming out so you won’t want to miss this one.  Below you’ll find a new MP3 from Austin artist Sleep Good which is basically a solo project from Will Patterson of Sunset.  You can find more tunes and more info on this hot up and coming artist on the Autobus Records website.

[audio: https://austintownhall.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/SleepGood_Schlitterbahn.mp3]

Download: Sleep Good – Schlitterbahn [MP3]

New Music From Henry Clay People

Some days you just need a little kick in the face… and that’s just what I’m getting with a new rockin’ tune from Cali band The Henry Clay People.  This new song “Your Famous Friends” reminds me a lot of The Hold Steady with someone who actually knows how to sing.  You can find this new track on the band’s upcoming LP Somewhere On the Golden Coast which hits stores via TBD Records on June 8th.

[audio: https://austintownhall.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/yourfamousfriends.mp3]

Download: The Henry Clay People – Your Famous Friends [MP3]

The Depreciation Guild – Spirit Youth

Rating: ★★★☆☆

While many of the indie rock followers will surely be all about The Depreciation Guild due to the main gig of its two core members, that being The Pains of Being Pure at Heart, that’s about the only similarity.  Sure, the mood of the music, and a bit of the texturing due share a close proximity to their other band, Spirit Youth steps out of the shadows and into its own space.

Electronic beats open the album on “My Chariot,” which is just an indicator that Kurt and Christoph (PoBPA touring guitarist) have a map all their own to follow.  Musically, it has a lot more of a bedroom aesthetic to the vocal quality than one would come to expect.  It’s really reminiscent of the same sort of vocals you heard on many of the more pop friendly albums of the early 90s.  It’s the same ground they’ll live in on “Crucify You,” and the dynamic doesn’t do much to distance itself.

But, in a sense, they mix it up on “Blue Lily” by opening up with a more prominent guitar piece.  Then almost immediately they bring in the warmth by adding the vocal texture.  Here you might see that often the vocals are a tool, never really stepping out from the instrumentation.  But, the guitar definitely serves its purpose in the background of the song, and that might remind some of Republic-era New Order, though a heavier atmosphere hangs over these songs.  This is the sort of place that it seems The Depreciation Guild hangs their hats.

Almost every song from here on out fuses a little bit of careful programming with guitars that ring out through the far off horizon of the song.  At times, such as in  “Trace,” those little parts really hang there, creating a dense electro-guitar collage of atmospherics, but without the vocals to brighten the moment, these songs really just seem to hang in air for the most part, almost like a pop-oriented fog. Don’t get me wrong, however, there are a few moments when the beats really do the song justice, like in “A Key Turns.”  A calm mood established itself early, and every noise on the song, including the vocals, is accented by the beats (the most creative on the album thus far).  It makes the perfect song for sitting outside as a storm drives itself into your town.

Oddly, there are a few heavy moments, or at least heavy in regards to the general sound of Spirit Youth.  The albums title track and “Through the Snow” have the benefit of harder hitting guitar pieces.  While the band manages to keep that quiet sensibility here, the chords of the guitar bring in a heavier punch, changing the overall quality of the tunes, and in fact, making them rising above the rest.  It would have been nice to see those numbers placed randomly earlier on in the album, rather than slotted in near the end.

All in all, Spirit Youth is an enjoyable listen, albeit one that does tax the listener a bit.  You’re caught in a world, unsure of whether or not you want to try and unravel the key to the lyrics (which are quite good) or just immerse yourself in the depth of sound that The Depreciation Guild have presented you with here. It’s not an easy choice, and that’s probably the biggest fault with the album: you have to make a choice on which instrument is the most important to follow, music or vocals.  Still, stepping out of from The Pains of Being Pure at Heart is never a bad thing entirely, especially when you can craft generally heartfelt songs that will keep you glowing inside.


Download: Depreciation Guild – Crucify You [MP3]

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