New (Free) Tunes from Scott Orr

This Canadian fellow has been doing the indie folk thing for some time now, but he wanted to strip it down a bit more.  Scott Orr has just released a free Acoustic EP, which has a few new tracks, and some old ones done in a super-stripped down manner.  One of the things I like the most about this new EP is that he vowed to just do it in his own style, with very few overdubs and retakes in the recording process.  Just giving it a listen lets you see that such an approach gives it an extremely personal quality, which never hurts anyone, now does it?  If you dig this, you can grab the EP HERE.


Download: Scott Orr – A Bird On The Ground (Acoustic Version) [MP3]

John Wesley Coleman – Bad Lady Goes to Jail

Rating: ★★★☆☆

Reading lots of press about John Wesley Coleman can lead you in the exact wrong direction. You can’t really label a guy a trashcan troubadour; that sort of attitude will definitely give you the wrong impression of the tunes at hand.  Bad Lady Goes to Jail definitely has a layer of filth attached to it, but beneath it all you can tell there are some crystal clear melodic sensibilities.  You won’t have to dig too far to find your first gem, so get ready right away.

Kick off this record the right way, and you’ll find one of the best tracks, though that’s up to personal tastes.  “Bad Lady Goes to Jail” has this scuzzy guitar line discordantly jangling in the forefront, while a piano line tinkers in the back.  Coleman’s voice isn’t hurried, and you’ll find an underlying gentleness, showing that despite his grit, the guy still has some restraint. Opening minutes of Bad Lady Goes to Jail continue within the first few tracks, and “Lazy Baby” has a little of that garage twist and shout feeling to it, almost giving you a bit of swing. The chorus has some emphatic shouts, but everything in the early moments has John Wesley Coleman killing it.

Of course, this album isn’t all gritty pop ditties, there are still some garage filters going on, though one would be likely to say that they’re not quite as successful as early offerings on the album.  “Ooh Basketball” has a nice little guitar line to it, one that fits everything, but the vocals have a bit too much distortion on the front end, and the lyrics are slightly lacking, at least for the tastes of some individuals.  Let’s just say, the depth doesn’t run too deep with several of the tracks here and there, even though musically, Coleman still seems to be doing all the things we know and love.  Who knows, maybe the guy just wants to have fun, so we can’t knock that.

One of the songs that will really surprise you, at least in its straightforward approach is “Go Baby Go.”  It’s got this incredibly lackadaisical wandering to it, and the fact that the majority of the song has minimal production, really gets to you.  With all the itsy bits of noise here and there, this song comes out of nowhere.  Surely this is one of the stand outs, hiding quietly in the middle of Bad Lady Goes to Jail. Along with “Something in My Brain Wants Something,” you get a bit of relaxation, a brief stop off on the records confrontational approach to songwriting.  Their more subdued, and in placing them properly in the middle, it’s the perfect opportunity for you stop, go back, and find your favorites.

Clearly John Wesley Coleman has something special about him, as you will discover when listening to Bad Lady Goes to Jail.  He operates in a certain genre, yet its easily drawing from all over the charts, making this effort a lot less static than other releases that you’ll find.  His ability to weave all these influences into one album, let alone one song, is what gives JWC a nice step above the rest, making this a great destination for your listening pleasure.


Download: John Wesley Coleman – Bad Lady Goes to Jail [MP3]

New Music from Velvet Davenport

Its pretty hard to find out a lot of info on this band, other than the fact that hail from a place one normally wouldn’t associate with their musical stylings, Minneapolis.  Velvet Davenport, as the name would have you guess, have a gentle affection to their sound, extremely reminiscent of the 60s wave of Spector, yet done with an enjoyable bedroom recording quality. Their latest LP, Warmy Girls, is really a special gem, and something you’ll surely be enjoying for some time to come.  You can grab it by checking out their label, Moon Glyph, and travel back in time with the band. I’ve sure been enjoying my trip.


Download: Velvet Davenport – Mystery Michael [MP3]

Show Preview: Tech_Sys @ Scoot Inn (11/19)

Date 11/19/10
Location Scoot Inn
Doors 8pm
Tickets $7 @ Door

This Friday we are very proud to present tech_sys at Scoot Inn along with our partners Massive BeaconSwitched On, Republic of Austin, and iNSECT Records.  Music for the night is of course going to be provided by some of the most badass musicians around town.  The lineup is stacked with Ghost Mountain, Zlam Dunk, Neiliyo, Butcher Bear and Charlie, Florene, Focus Group, Zorch, Fresh Millions, and a Realness DJ set all planned for the night.  That’s got to be some of the best electronic/dance music this little town has to offer!  For only $7, I highly doubt any of you people have anything going on that could possibly be even half as fun as this show.  ATH staff members will also be on hand giving out free side hugs and juice boxes.


Download: Fresh Millions – The Helicopter [MP3]

More New Music From Jonquil

The new EP from Oxford band Jonquil, One Hundred Suns, has been getting some pretty heavy rotation here in the ATH offices.  Locked within that EP, you’ll find some rather tasty subtle pop tunes that get better and better with each listen.  Lucky for you readers, that EP is now available for purchase on Dovecote Records.  The band is also currently giving away this new tune “Get Up” to celebrate the release.  It sort of cracks me up that the press release for Jonquil reads that they are “Paul Simon’s take on The Smiths”… spot on!  Don’t forget that album track “Fighting Smiles” is still streaming elsewhere on ATH.


Download: Jonquil – Get Up [MP3]

Contest: Black Angels @ La Zona Rosa (11/19)

It’s time again friends for another contest that some of you may or may not actually enter.  This time we’re going to make things super easy for all you lazy kids out there.  To begin with, Austin’s very own The Black Angels are playing this Friday at La Zona Rosa to celebrate the semi-recent release of their new album Phosphene Dream.  Making these passes even more enticing, the Austinites will be joined on stage by Canadian rockers Black Mountain.  So here’s the deal:

Up for grabs: ONE lucky winner will win a pass with +1 to the show on Friday. (that’s two in all for you math wizzes)

To enter: Simply leave a comment with why you should win and we’ll pick a winner at random.

Contest closes: Noon on Thursday (11/17)

Below you’ll also find recent single from The Angels “Telephone”.


Download: The Black Angels – Telephone [MP3]

Show Preview: Junip @ Mohawk (11/18)

Date 11/18/10
Location Mohawk
Doors 8pm
Tickets $11 @ Frontgate

Now I don’t know what his new project known as Junip will be like live, but I do know that I’ve seen José Gonzalez live and the man can transfix a crowd in the right setting.  Mohawk on what is sure to be a cold Thursday night should be one of those great settings to see the man and his intimate music.  Be sure to get there on time as Sharon Von Etten is an opener you won’t want to miss.  Plus it’s only a two band lineup so don’t be one of those fashionably late people either.


Download: Junip – Rope and Summit [MP3]

New(ish) Music From Glass Owls

It seems like we sometimes have a soft spot in our hearts for hot new bands out of New Zealand.  Glass Owls are another one of those pop bands we’ve taken to with a sound similar to a more twee pop version of their country brother’s in Surf City.  Their tunes are poppy, lo-fi and often times perfect for an indie dance party.  This summer, Glass Owls released a debut EP entitled Dead Love which is currently streamable and available for purchase on the band’s bandcamp site.  Below you’ll find my favorite tune from the band “Summer Girl”.  Of course you can hear more hazzy pop jams on the Glass Owls bandcamp or myspace page.


Download: Glass Owls – Summer Girl [MP3]

Show Review: Dr. Dog @ Stubbs (11/12)

The rain stayed just east of the downtown, lightning flashing in the cloud line.  Everyone was a little nervous about the weather.  In fact, security joked that the show was cancelled.  Maybe just kidding, but with lightning in the area, I would guess Stubb’s would have to shut down.  Good thing the show went on, it was well worth the price of admission and brief delay.  On to the review after the jump.’

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