New Music From We Can’t Enjoy Ourselves

Over the Holidays and during this slow week back to the music world, we had some time to sift through the many emails we receive and our ears perked up to a band calling themselves We Can’t Enjoy Ourselves.  They are another group hailing from the indie hotspot of Brooklyn, NY featuring jangly twee pop eerily similar at times to Austin’s own Hollywood Gossip.  What strikes me as unique and noteworthy of this band are the vocals from lead singer Giovanni Saldarriaga.  Can anyone else hear hints of Blaine Harrison from Mystery Jets?  You can also download the band’s entire debut LP One Belongs Here More Than You for free on their bandcamp page.


Download: We Can’t Enjoy Ourselves – Miss Maris Morris [MP3]

New Music From Choo Choo

We had the good fortune of checking out Swiss band Choo Choo a couple times during SXSW last year and were impressed with the live show they brought to the table.  Since that time, the band sort of fell off our radar until popping up recently with news of an upcoming LP on January 21st.  The album, Cannes, features this new single “” and will be available on European label Chop Records.  Not sure exactly what the timeline is for a US release, but I’m sure you can also purchase online.


Download: Choo Choo – It’s a good Thing [MP3]

More New Tracks from I Was a King

The time is almost upon us for the great return of I Was a King.  Their new album, Old Friends, is heading your way January 25th, and while we’ve previewed some tracks, this is one of the standouts from the record, though I admittedly love it all.  It’s got a little bit more exploration than their traditional power-pop, using horns to build the wall of sound behind their sugary coating.  Like many of the songs on this album, it gets right to the point, hitting you over the head with pop simplicity at its best.  This band definitely deserves your adoration, so go ahead an revisit their last self-titled album, then jam to this track, that way you’ll be ready to get blown away come the end of January.


Download: I Was a King – Someone is Waiting [MP3]

New Music from The Middle East

While most of the Australian bands we’ve been following have had a fairly similar sound, that can’t be said for Townsville’s The Middle East.  They’ve been rather quiet since their EP came out in 2009, but there is hope on the horizon for fans.  They’ve got a new single, “Jesus Came to My Birthday Party,” and its absolutely fantastic.  It’s a low-key folk experiment from the start, but the song bursts forth about a minute into it, and from there you’re riding a magic carpet of soloing guitars and fuzz, all the way to the end.  If they can write such warm tracks filled with this kind of spirit, then I can’t wait to see what else they’ve got in store for us all in 2011.


Download: The Middle East – Jesus Came to My Birthday Party [MP3]

Contest: ATH Holiday Gift Bag

We here at ATH wanted to spread some (belated) holiday cheer with our readers by offering a contest with all kinds of goodness involved.  Just as we did around this time last year, we’re offering up gift bags filled with CDs from local and national acts, koozies, stickers, buttons AND one of those fancy Cee-Lo Green t-shirts in the image to the left.  Entrance is super easy… just leave a comment below about anything you want.  Seriously, give us a joke, new years resolution or a simple Hi and you’re entered into the contest.  Two, count ’em two, lucky winners will receive the extremely valuable gift bag and t-shirt.  All entries must be received by Wednesday at the end of the day.  As always, please remember to leave a valid e-mail address so we can get your shirt size and a place to send your winnings.  Go!


Download: Cee-Lo Green – Fuck You [MP3]

New Music From Black Books

Black Books are a relatively new Austin band that we’ve recently taken a liking too.  Not long ago, the band finished recording their debut EP An Introduction To… which is currently available for free download on the Black Books bandcamp site.  Below you’ll find a nice little MP3 of my personal favorite song “Green Screen”.  The vocals of drummer Ross Gilfillan on this tune remind me a lot of the reverb laden early work of Jim James mixed with a few parts Mark Kozelek.  I’m down with that.


Download: Black Books – Green Screen [MP3]

ATH Free Week Guide

So it’s that time of year again in Austin when all us music nerds get our geek on with a slew of free shows going on.  Thats right folks, it’s free week in Austin!  Now we know that the free shows really began this past weekend, but ATH was nursing a minor hangover from New Years so we missed out on those shows.  We would however like to share our picks for the best show each night of the week going through the upcoming weekend.  Obviously options abound for shows and choosing just ONE show for each night was a tough chore for us.  We just figured that you could see ALL your options on most other sites in town.  We’d recommend Show List Austin or Do512 for all expansive show lists.  Follow the jump for our nightly recommendations.

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Ty Segall on Daytrotter

We’re in love with Ty Segall, in case you didn’t know.  We’ve caught him several times this year on tour, and included his latest, Melted, in our Top Albums of 2010. Over the brief little break from the music world, we missed Ty’s recordings for the wonderful Daytrotter site. The session includes a slew of unreleased tracks, so fans of Ty will definitely be into this.  If you’re not already a fan, it will give you a chance to see Ty at his most raw, as he definitely lets loose several times throughout the session.  Personally, my favorite is the smoother “Who Are You,” which comes as the last song of the recording.  You can check out the rest of Ty’s set at Daytrotter.


Download: Ty Segall – Who Are You [MP3]

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