Friday Top 5: Indie Songs That Make Girls Swoon

I take advantage of the fact that I’m the only female Top 5 contributor, and I like to add my lady perspective to the male dominated ATH crew. What better way to lend my girly advice to you boys out there looking to win over the ladies with a musical selection. Ladies, you will probably just agree and be awaiting a mixtape with the following tracks on your playlist. So here are a handful of love songs for all you indie-romantics.


5. “I’ll Catch You” The Get Up Kids

I’ve never been a huge fan of Bright Eyes, Ben Gibbard, Dashboard, etc.; however, this sappy-punk GUK song totally gets me. This was definitely a puppy love song with my high school boyfriend. Is it Matt Pryor’s serenading or just an alt-rock band singing a soft and gushy ballad? Both, duh.


4. “I’ve Just Got To Tell You” Dr. Dog

This quirky track landed on a mixtape gifted to yours truly, and I’ve been in love with it ever since. If anyone is making an indie-romantic chick-flick, this one should land on the soundtrack. The lyrics highlight the lovey-dovey stages of a relationship and are just plain adorable. Despite the lead’s discordant vocals, it’s very much a swoon-er.


3. “No One’s Gonna Love You” Band of Horses

…more than I do. Even though the undertone (and the title) of this song teeters on the edge of being opposite of an actual love song, us girlies only hear the chorus. The soft-whispery touches give the track a warm and fuzzy feel. We won’t be offended by some of the lyrics because now we know that no one’s gonna love us more than you do.


2. “Your Hand In Mine” Explosions in the Sky

I think everyone can agree that this song has the undeniable power to give you butterflies. No lyrics or words needed. It’s been around since ‘03 and has never gotten old or worn out. Whether it’s the soundtrack to your daydream or your make out session; it rocks. It has the perfect combination of slow-paced cadences, soothing guitar rhythms, and faultless crescendos. Boys, finish off that mixtape with this track and you’re golden.


1. “Home” Edward Sharp & the Magnetic Zeros

This song has gained some serious popularity and has landed on multiple commercials and probably every wedding reception playlist. Rightfully so. Hipster or mainstream, every lady wants a gent to say, “home is wherever I’m with you”. The entire feel of this track is so sincere and true that there’s no doubt your heart will melt every single time you play it.


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