Show Pics: Moonface @ Emo’s

Spencer Krug brought his current project to town to play an inside show at Emo’s on a Tuesday night. Moonface can be familiar and foreign to Wolf parade fans. It borders on percussive Electronica at times, smooth keyboard driven poppiness at others. In all, a group of ardent Krugophiles enjoyed themselves. They were even treated to a Moonface’d version of a Swan Lake song to close things out.

Pics and a few more comments about Moonface and the openers, White Dress and Flow Child, after the break.

White Dress is another of what is becoming more common, a female/male duo, Arum Rae Valkonen and Grant Van Amburgh. Like Ghost Wolves, it is the lady on lead. Softer, more bluesy. Enjoyed it.

Flow Child is a glitchy drum and bass version of Chad Valley; one man and his machines programming in front of the audience, building tracks, unleashing vocals as needed. Emo’s may not be the right venue for his sound. I would like another shot somewhere more dramatically lit (perhaps the new Emo’s?).

Moonface allows Spencer to go double handed with full on digital merging with his style while managing the drum track as Mike Bigelow knocks out heavy rhythm enhancement and synth via drumsticks and standing kit. Dynamic performance. The merch table was busy selling vinyl and CD versions of Organ Music not Vibraphone like I’d Hoped after the hour long set, if that tells you anything.

More pics available over at the photo site


  • Wow. Me thinks someone should actually listen to Chad VanGaalen before comparing him to that Panda Bear knock off Flow Child.


  • Wow Dustin, so people aren’t allowed to make comparisons? Notice the reference is to a “glitchy drum and bass Chad.” Followed by comparisons of building sound upon layers of more sound and vocals. Is’nt that what Chad does, minus the glitch and drum and bass? If you say no, perhaps you should go back and listen to Chad.

  • Dustin,

    I owe you an edit and a thank you. I had Chad Valley in mind when making my comment and have edited the story. I will say that the comment still applies, as the solo artist that builds songs on stage will continue to be on the rise. And fortunately, it is no longer just clicking play on the MacBook and sitting on a stool singing karaoke.



  • Well, now the author has changed his musical reference point to “Chad Valley”. Thusly my comment is completely vindicated.


  • Sweet vindication? Nathan has a point, still. I can compare him to a can of soup if I feel like it. O_o

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