New Song from John Wesley Coleman

Maybe this is old news, as in yesterday’s news, but I can’t help it. I’ve been a huge fan of John Wesley Coleman for some time, and at this point, it doesn’t seem like he can do anything wrong.  Word is being spread that he’s doing a split 7″ which will feature a Gary Stewart song, and a reinterpretation of said song–the 7″ comes out on July 26th Sophomore Lounge Records.  True, JWC might not have that honky-tonk feel some associate with Stewart’s music, but there’s that same sense of desperation and pain in his voice, and that’s always going to grab me by the ears.


Download: John Wesley Coleman -Oh Woman

More New Music From Fair Ohs

The last time I shared some music from pop hit makers Fair Ohs, I told you that I’d be looking out for more summertime music from them.  Well here we are as promised with new summer haze song “Baldessari”.  As previously mentioned, this track will appear on the upcoming new album Everything is Dancing due out July 26th on Lefse Records.  This album is sure to be one of my anthems for summer fun in the sun.


Download: Fair Ohs – Baldessari [MP3]

New Album from Arc in Round

Philadelphia’s Arc in Round have just released a new digital album, II, on their BANDCAMP page, and though it’s short with only five songs, I’ve been playing it all morning long. It’s definitely going to fall in the vein of dream-pop, but the execution of the finished product is what is so rewarding.  Washed vocals, bright guitar/string moments all lead you into a sonic haven where you can sit absorbed in your own thoughts.  My favorite track of the five is “Time Spent,” and you can listen down below for a preview.  Currently, the band are offering up II for a name your own price deal, but be sure to support the band, as good music always deserves our support.  Don’t forget to go back and give their great back catalog a listen while you’re at it.


Download: Arc in Round – Time Spent [MP3]

New Tunes from Grass Widow

There’s few people in the blogosphere I truly trust, so I’m always happy when Toby over at Finest Kiss gets a chance to sort through his emails and get me hip to things I might have glanced over.  He’s run a bunch of singles today, and my favorite of the batch has to be this new track from Grass Widow.  The San Fran trio has self-released a new 7″ with this track Milo Minute.  There’s definitely a post-punk pogo to the track, but the harmonies between the ladies provide allow the song to transcend your typical rehash of styles.  I get the feeling that this will be spinning around here all week.  You can get your copy HERE, which features two covers as the B-Side (Wire and Neo Boys).


Download: Grass Widow – Milo Minute [MP3]

New Jam From Little Deadman

Catchy rock n roll tunes are what you’ll get from relatively new San Diego based band Little Deadman.  Often times the band draws comparisons to White Denim or a poppier version of The Black Angels.  This new song “Post Helado Madness” exhibits both of those sounds to create a little rocking ditty that’s sure to get your swagger going.  For now, the band only offers this song as a single in preparation for a new LP due out sometime in early 2012.  Rock.


Download: LIttle Deadman – Post Helado Madness [MP3]

New Music From No Yes No

Here’s a little driving rock song I’ve been enjoying recently from new find No Yes No.  The band, hailing from Brooklyn (duh), are using this song “Youngins” to promote their brand new EP which is available for stream and purchase on their bandcamp page.  I was quickly drawn to the sort of Joy Division new age sound created by this tune and hope you kids like it too.


Download: No Yes No – Youngins [MP3]

Pure X – Pleasure

Rating: ★★★★★

At this point in time, it would be difficult for one to ignore Pure X (formerly Pure Ecstasy) based entirely on the amount of press that has seemed to surround the Austin trio over the last few months.  After listening to Pleasure over and over (and over and over) again, you’ll soon realize that the group is no joke, and they’ve crafted the slow-burning record of the year, if not just the straight up record of the year.

The instrumental “Heavy Air” begins the record with sort of the ominous feeling one would associate with bloated oxygen, weighed down in trickling bits of guitar reverb and harrowing sounds that fill every inch of space necessary.  It’s the perfect precursor to “Dream Over,” a track that begins with a little bit more light, as “oohs” gently float you through the intro.  Once the vocals come in, the echo effect of created by the band refraining from polish stains the track with every inch of passion Pure X possess, especially clear as vocals strain in the background to wrap up the song.

You’re going to be hard pressed to discover such a one-two punch as “Twisted Mirror” and “Easy.”  The former slowly builds with discordant guitar sounds carefully cutting through the space, all before we’re presented with even a hint of vocals.  Honestly, while the depth of the vocals on this track, and on Pleasure for that matter, elevate each song, the craftsmanship of the sound itself doesn’t even require singing at all.  With “Easy,” the appeal for the masses is immediately noticeable as drums mellowly pound the rhythm, vocals uplift you, and squalls of noise filter in and out of the song.  If you play it on repeat, you’re bound to get lost in the simple beauty expressed here.

Every song on Pleasure is a listenable gem, each with twists and turns of its own.  The seemingly instrumental “Surface” fills out a void in the record, with Pure X providing you a sense to further allow immersion into their dense sound; oddly, it’s not dense at all. The use of sound and structure fills every inch of recording space, creating the juxtaposition of hollow, yet dense; it’s a sensation you must have for yourself. There’s short tracks like “Stuck Livin” that seem like heartfelt laments about life, yet much like San Francisco’s Girls, there’s a bright light glowing beneath the stark reality of our world. Even the single “Dry Ice” is worthy of every inch of praise its received.  It’s quiet at times, yet the group’s approach swallows you whole, forcing you into some sort of melodramatic trance from which you never want to escape.

People will always be skeptical of bands with great hype, but there’s absolutely nothing wrong with any second of this record, though the band would probably disagree.  Pleasure is, to me, reminiscent of Spiritualized, utilizing the band’s creativity within the studio to extract every bit of sound possible, yet not filling it with indulgences.  Like Jason S., Pure X has crafted a delicate listen, one that whole-heartedly enthralls you track after track.  If there’s such a thing as modern classics, this one might well be on its way.


Download: Pure X – Dry Ice [MP3]

New Music From Dan Mangan

Here’s a sweet new tune from folk songwriter Dan Mangan called “Oh Fortune” that we’ve been enjoying today.  The song is set to appear on a new album of the same name due out September 27th on Arts & Crafts.  For now we can only offer you a stream of the song, but an MP3 can be found over on the Dan Mangan site.  The guys really is an incredible songwriter.


New Music from Big Wave Riders

Apparently it’s going to be sort of a Scandinavian type day in my house, as I’ve just gotten another gem from the region via Finland’s Big Wave Riders.  The band is prepping their digi-EP for new label, Soliti Music, which will also be home to the new work from Cats on Fire.  They posted a great track to their page, and I just fell in love.  It begins with sort of a washed out guitar vibe, one that you’d expect from a California beach group, but then the pace picks up, and it turns into momentary dance-pop, and returns once again to the beautiful wash.  This is definitely something new and exciting from a great prospect for 2011.


Download: Big Wave Riders – Skate or Die [MP3]

Son Lux – We Are Rising

Rating: ★★★★½

Son Lux (AKA Ryan Lott) is still relatively unknown despite a strong underground following and well-established name in the music theatre production circle. Even his stops through SXSW in 2008 and 2010 were less than minor blips on most blogger’s radars. However, after a solid debut in At Wars With Walls and Mazes via Anticon in 2009, Lott is front and center in the outsider music world. That stunning, yet polarizing debut consisted of randomized yet painstakingly set, modern classical arrangements and chopped hip-hop blended into a striking pattern of delightful vocal imagery.

After taking note of that record, NPR decided to up the ante and proposed a pseudo-dare. Could Lott, whose prior methods of creation consisted of long, drawn-out thought processes, complete his follow-up in 1 month (February no less)? Surely, you jest. Like most musicians, Lott scoffed at the thought of modifying his creative process so blatantly. Especially considering his new material was already taking a general form.  By listening to his gut, Lott tossed that work aside and stepped up to the plate and hit a home-run. The finished product in the NPR RPM challenge, We Are Rising is a subtle wave at the meticulousness of his prior release, but with a strong foothold in the spontaneous and improvised.

What emerged is a record that takes the listener on a ride traveling multiple directions and varying speeds. ‘Flickers’ begins the voyage by the literal and metaphoric lighting of the candle. It’s the first glimpse of the light and dark, contrasts used intermittently throughout to great effect. The pseudo-title track ‘Rising’ is a powerful modern classical piece with pounding rhythms and playful winds. This dichotomy of contrasts is viewed has become more or less a signature of the young songwriter. What has also remained is a wonderful way with words, as seen on ‘Leave the Riches’. Toying with the idea of attachment, ‘Claws’ is a turn back to the slower drive, employing a rich bass heavy soundtrack contrasting with Lott’s airy vocals, while ‘Let Go’ is a direct shout out to his debut in the same vein as ‘Stand’ in tone and structure.

When an artist fully emerges themselves in a project and produces at a rapid pace, the result are often striking, if not unrecognizable. Such is the case here. The creativity that flowed in this month long session shows a deep rooted discipline, passion, and mental fortitude, not seen today in many artists. I find that refreshing, especially from such a relatively new artist. Son Lux took the best of his creative process and composed what many will argue is the best album of the year.

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