Happening Little Number from the Denzels

I read about the Denzels awhile back via OTRM, and when I checked back in again with them, I was happy to see that the group has just released a nice little two song EP titled Easy Tiger for our enjoyment.  As the song slowly walks you in, you’ll find the pure joy of the swagger that kicks in around the twenty second mark.  From here on out, it’s sort of a poppier-tinged twist on the Cali psych rock we all adore. The second track on the EP definitely is just as promising, so be sure to check in on the band if you dig the track below.


Download: The Denzels – Black Girls [MP3]

New Track from Digital Leather

Shawn Foree’s been around for more than a minute, but it seems like things are just now starting to pick up for him.  After the tragic death of his close friend Jay Reatard, Shawn’s project Digital Leather looks to be picking up steam as he tried to replicate the work ethic of his late friend.  On February 14th he’ll be releasing Modern Problems on FDH Records, his follow-up to Warm Brother. As the name would assume, there’s a bit of a digital edge to this garage rock approach.  It’s still the kind of track that illustrates just how much high-fueled energy Shawn will provide when the record hits the stores.


Download: Digital Leather – Young Doctors In Love [MP3]

New Tunes from La Sera

Within minutes of receiving this email, this track blew up all over the Internet; everyone is posting it.  This is a testament to the excitement surrounding the new release from La Sera, which will be hitting the streets on March 24th via the good people over at Hardly Art.  I really like the juxtaposition of vocals and music on this track; it’s got this Misfits/Spits guitar riff pushing you on through, but we all know Katy Goodman’s vocals come with that girl-pop sugar–we all know we can’t live without it.  It’s a nice little twist to what’s become a moderately watered down genre, so my hopes are high for this record, Sees the Light.


Download: La Sera – Please Be My Third Eye [MP3]

Free Week Recommendations for Saturday!!!

We’re coming to the end of the good times, and the weekend is chock full of excellent shows to catch. I encourage you all to get out and support/see as many bands as possible, as that’s what keeps our music community energized…which is something we all claim makes Austin great, so we gotta support it.  Here are my suggestions.

Punk Show @ Mohawk — A Giant Dog, OBN IIIs, Grape Street — Some of the best acts in Austin for rock n’ roll of the faster sort.

Quiet Company @ the Swan Dive — The group released an excellent album last year, so catch em’ while they’re hot.

Fresh Millions @ The Parish — We’ve raved about these bros for ages, and it’s a requirment that you catch them at least once in your lifetime. Do it now. Free.

Rock Show @ Beauty Bar — Ringo Deathstarr and Black Books, just to name a few.  Do we need to say more? Those acts alone make it worth your time!

Sample these tracks from Freshmillions and Black Books:

[audio:https://austintownhall.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/02-The-Helicopter-1.mp3] [audio:https://austintownhall.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/Out-The-Door-1.mp3]

Brand New Track from Tiger Waves

I’ve raved and raved about Tiger Waves for the past few months on this site, even tossing their last effort into our Top Texas Albums of 2011.  And now I’m going to heap more praise on the band, as they’ve just unleashed a few more preview tracks from their upcoming record, Don’t Be Yourself.  There’s this trace of modern lo-fi in the tracks, but I can’t help but see a slight connection between some of the dark pop groups that burst out of the late 1960s, like the Zombies.  Every time I listen to these tracks, I just start to itch for the complete full-length to come my way.  If the following track is any indicator, this is going to be one helluva record you won’t want to miss in 2012.


Download: Tiger Waves – From The Start [MP3]

New Intimate Tune From Crushed Stars

Below you can find a new heartfelt tune from singer song writer Todd Gautreau’s project known as Crushed Stars.  The track is “Brighter Now” and appears on the groups upcoming new album The Bright Rain due out March 6th on Simulacra Records.  I was very unfamiliar with the band prior to today, but now I’ll be giving them my full attention.

[audio: https://austintownhall.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/brighter-now.mp3]

Download: Crushed Stars – Brighter Now [MP3]

Final Single from Frank Smith

We’ve tried to keep you close in the loop as Frank Smith has released several singles from their new album, Before You Were Born, which will hit on January 19th.  We’ve got the final single from the band, and it continues to build on the strength of the earlier singles.  For me, there’s a darkness that lurks beneath this track, but the attention to details is what really grabs me–just listen for the trickling keys.  This song seems to wander a bit, giving you the feeling that this track’s a haunted traveler, perhaps leading up to some abstract association with the title.  I’m just guessing.


Download: Frank Smith – Been 4 Months, Feels Like 5 [MP3]

Free Week Recommendations for Friday!!!

The week of free music here in Austin is winding down, and for those of you who haven’t had a great chance just yet to catch a whole lot of the acts, don’t fret; there’s tons of excellent bands playing all over this weekend, so be sure to get out and enjoy the great tunes our town has to offer! Here’s some prime choices:

OBN IIIs @ Beerland — Like a cockier Rolling Stones soaked in sweat and Lone Star

Not in the Face @ Red 7 — Austin’s favorite little two piece rock act — and stick around for Flesh Lights!

Christian Bland and the Revelators @ 29th Street Ballroom — Bringing you only the best in Psych Rock from Black Angels members.


Download: Not in the Face – Downtown Girl [MP3]

Amazing New Gem from Nada Surf

While a great many of us probably think of Nada Surf as the band that wrote “Popular,” there’s a great history of the band who’ve put out effortless pop albums that never let you down.  Personally, I adore their record Let Go, but I’ve always played out every release they’ve offered.  Now, the band returns with The Stars are Indifferent to Astronomy, which comes out January 24th via Barsuk.  One of the special things about the following track is the way the song quietly erupts after seemingly coming to slow halt, demonstrating that the band still has complete control of their pop genius.  If you’ve ignored the group, do yourself a favor and revisit their catalog, but only after you listen to this great little number.


Download: Nada Surf – When I Was Young [MP3]

Free EP from 1, 2, 3

Now, for those of you who’ve listened to us and given some attention to 1, 2, 3 especially THIS song, you might be surprised by what you hear on this Free EP.  Gone are the peppy elements you usually associate with the band, but there’s a reason for that.  Member Nic originally composed this EP for his niece as a beautiful little piece for her to use when drifting off at night.  Thus, the extreme tempo changes on this, but don’t just discard this post because you want more of the same; there’s a wonderful sound waiting on Dreamland Pt. 1, waiting to carry you into your own REM sleep.  And hey, it’s a nice little gift for fans of all things free, so head HERE to get your hands on it; sample a track below to boot!


Download: 1, 2, 3, – Riding The Wooly Bug Dreamland [MP3]

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