Dark Post-Punk from Grave Babies

Hopefully you’ve heard about the Grave Babies by now, as they’re about to start winning people over across the Internet. The band’s about ready to release their Gothdammit EP on April 17th via Hardly Art, and while the title might have some allusions to the music itself, there’s still a whole lot beneath that wall of darkness aching to be released.  If you listen to this track, you’ll hear the pounding rhythm and the wall of noise, but that tiny hint of melody held back by the slightest bit of restraint is exactly what grabs you.  I can’t wait to get this EP in my hands!


Download:Grave Babies – Nightmare [MP3]

Hunx – Hairdresser Blues

Rating: ★★★★☆

Almost less than a year ago, we got Too Young To Be In Love, the second (sort of) album from Hunx and His Punx.  It was filled with its usual amounts of scuzzy punk and bits of kitsch.  But, that era of frivolity seems to have dissipated, if only temporarily, leaving us with the first solo outing of Hunx.  Unlike his normal gig, we find the man much more exposed, emotionally speaking, giving us a personal spin on his always affecting tunes.

“Your Love Is Here to Stay” begins the mellow affair with Hunx reflecting upon a lasting love, but it’s the gentle strummed guitar that distinguishes this from his more frenetic numbers.  There’s an element of innocence here too that’s certainly endearing for listener’s, exposing our narrator.  “Private Room” maintains that same sentiment, yet with the added female vocal accompaniment and impacting drums, you’ll find a bit more pace on this number.  Stylistically, it’s more what you’ve come to expect from Hunx‘s traditional fare.

The one-two punch of hits on Hairdresser Blues comes in the form of “Always Forever” and “Hairdresser Blues.”  The first of these two tracks definitely has that California garage-rock feel to it, but only with more restraint–in a positive way.  For me, the response of “always forever” certainly grabs my attention and makes it a song I’ll play for some time. “Hairdresser Blues” is a jangling piece of joyousness, though the lyrical content might make you think otherwise.  It’s sort of like Hunx‘s version of a Sonny and the Sunsets, compiling pieces of sunshine, pop, and grit to craft a well-written tune.

Perhaps what hits home the most with the record are the two closing tracks.  “Say Goodbye Before You Leave” reminisces about Hunx‘s relationship with Jay Reatard, a personal favorite, so it definitely hits a personal note.  But, more importantly it’s a song about loss, which holds a universal theme for us all, so regardless of the subject matter for our songwriter here, we can all relate to this, especially the closing statement that “it’s just too bad.” Apparently, “When You’re Gone” is another homage to a bit of loss, with Hunx reflecting about his deceased father.  Again, the universality of his lyrics on this effort stand out, bringing home the personal message that seems so important to the narrative being spun on Hairdresser Blues. It wraps up the record with an emotional reminder that surely resonates with every listener–worth the dozen or more spins I’ve given it in the last hour.

What stands out the most about this record really has to be the exposed persona of Hunx on Hairdresser Blues.  While he’s usually a bundle of energy and sexuality (things I enjoy), there’s a personal note on this effort that really supersedes the music.  While it is a bit solemn, the sincerity leaves you with a bit of solace, a bit of clarity and hope.  If he starts to combine these elements with his old-school brashness, there’s no telling what a huge hit Hunx could be.


Download:Hunx – Always Forever [MP3]

More Straight-forward Rock from Tribes

A short while ago we hooked you up with a jam from Tribes, the UK band who’re expected to blow up in the States pretty soon.  On March 13th the band will release their record, Baby, state-side, and I’m sure it’s going to be a polarizing ordeal.  The band stakes their claim to a no-frills rock n’ roll approach, just blasting out the jams like we all secretly want.  In listening to this song, part of me wants is singing along, tapping my feet; the other part of me is worried it’s going to get panned because it is so gimmick free. I think it’s tasty, I think it’s fun: you be the the judge!


Download:Tribes – Whenever [MP3]

Mellow Tune from White Woods

You might recognize Julia Kugel as the guitarist/vocalist from the Coathangers, a band that’s graced our Interweb space on various occasions. This time around, however, she comes to us via her side-project, White Woods, offering up this really dreamy number that you’re pretty much guaranteed to love.  You’ll find the below track as part of Suicide Squeezes Single Series, who continue to put out some incredible single collections for a limited run.  For me, this is a really interesting place to find Kugel, as I didn’t expect this from her at all, but I’ve been swept off my feet by this song.  Give it a listen, or two…do you feel the same?


Download: White Woods – Where Did You Go [MP3]

Jamming Lil’ Number from Finn Riggins

It’s really funny that this track popped up in our inbox the other day, just a night after I was talking to our friend Marcus about the lack of credit given to the Idaho scene.  In 2011 the scene hit big with Youth Lagoon, and the state is the home to Built to Spill, who took out the band Finn Riggins for several tours.  This track from Finn Riggins definitely has a nice little groove to it, and it’ll feature on the band’s Benchwarmers EP, which is set for release on April 21st for Record Store Day.  This is the perfect way to kick off our Monday; the band will be in Austin playing the Boise Showcase at SXSW if you’re looking for a place to catch them.


Download:Finn Riggins – Benchwarmers [MP3]

New Jam from the Roommates

Ben Cook and Mark Fosco have had a solid year in the music work, with their sweet jams being given out to via their respective bands, Fucked Up and Marvelous Darlings. The group, now dubbed Roommates initially set out to record some songs for fun, with the idea of limited releases, but I’m glad some of these tracks are making their way out.  On March 20th Slumberland Records will be releasing a 7″ comprised of two of these tracks, and we’ve got the A-Side to run for you today. Given their recent  musical output, it’s no wonder that this has a nice little power-pop sheen to it, with steady drum playing backing the straight-forward guitar playing.  Regardless, it’s got all the hooks to make you a fan, clamoring for more. Check it.


SXSW Preview: Jacuzzi Boys

It’s almost impossible to believe that SXSW is already around the corner.  Almost.  Things get crazy busy around these parts with planning a party, interviewing bands, and mapping out some semblance of a schedule for the week.  At times we all forget that this aint about getting wastey on free booze, but rather “about the music man”. I hope you’ll pardon my lame attempt at an introduction to this post and simply take note and listen to Hardly Art’s finest Jaccuzi Boys.  Follow the jump for more. Read more

New Music From Bosco

Here’s a new experimental swingy pop tune from Atlanta based Bosco called “Joker”.  Lead singer Brittany Bosco exudes all kinds of pent-up emotions in her approach to singing throughout the number.    It’s pretty irresistible when combined with the erratic drum beats and picked electric guitar.  A new EP from the group Let Go of Me is due out next week on March 6th.  They’ll also be stopping into Austin for SXSW this year and we highly suggest you check ’em out.


Download: Bosco – Joker [MP3]

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