Brand New Jam from FIDLAR

I first wrote about LA’s FIDLAR back in May of last year, so I was really excited to find a new track in ye olde inbox today.  Apparently, the band’s got another 7″ planned for March 13th, and we’ve got the one of the tracks for your listening pleasure.  This jam definitely finds them treading the same water as their bretheren in bands liks Jeff the Brotherhood, but you can definitely here a bit of the Cali touch in the way the vocals come across.  If you need a track to blast on a nice sunny day, then you better get this song and turn it up loud, as that’s the only way to rock!


Download: FIDLAR – No Waves [MP3]

Coutnry-Fied Jam from Juston Stens

Juston Stens used to spend his time playing drums for Dr. Dog, but he’s since parted ways with the band.  As all musicians tend to do, he’s found his voice, and is going to release his own solo album, titled Trash or Treasure on Mach 6th.  I like his approach here, at least on the single we just got, as it’s not necessarily that barroom off-kilter folk jangle of his ex-project–that’s grown a bit old, sadly.  This tune’s got a more true country vibe, though not free of that pop element by any means.  It’ll be interesting to see how it all unfolds as Juston walks that new road.


Download: Juston Stens – Edge of the Moon [MP3]

New Music from the Wave Pictures

One of the acts I’ve really grown to love as of late is The Wave Pictures, who released the excellent Beer in the Breakers LP last year. Already the group has another album ready to turn around and release, again coming your way via the folks over at Moshi Moshi.  Said album, Little Black Cars, will be hitting the streets on April 2nd, but for now, they’ve also just released the single for Eskimo Kiss, which is a pretty sweet jam in itself.  There’s a little bit more of a punk swagger to the jagged high-stepping of this song–all good things in our book. Give this song a little try, and keep an eye out as the band makes its way stateside in the Spring.


New Music From The Sour Notes

Man it seems like it’s been a hot minute since we posted a new tune from local ATH favorite band The Sour Notes.  We were big fans of their recent record Last Looks, as it appeared on our year end Texas albums list, so we try to make a point to post their music when it’s sent our way.  This new song “Two Hands Wait” appears on a new split 7″ the band just put out with fellow local band Marmalakes.  Enjoy.


Download: The Sour Notes – Two Hands Wait [MP3]

Ethereal New Song from Tiger Waves

It’s been almost a whole month since I’ve been able to post about Tiger Waves, so I’ll happily spend today giving them some more praise.  Soon, their new album, Don’t Be Yourself will be hitting the streets, and it’s shaping up to be a diverse piece of incredible pop.  Early views have the band with a little more step, but then this track simply floors you.  There’s a careful bit of restraint in the song’s tempo, and it casually unfolds along the lines of this mellow, but sublime melody.  Whether it’s just me or not, these dudes are simply doing great things right now. You can get a six song sampler of the album free by going HERE, and the album should be out before SXSW.


Download: Tiger Waves – Underground [MP3]

Fun Number from Lovely Bad Things

The press release for Lovely Bad Things starts out with “if the Pixies and Black Lips got drunk at a party…”  For me, the first thing I thought was “Man, wish I was cool enough to be there.”  Then, I figured the next best thing would be to hear the combination of those two acts, and thus we have LBT.  They’ve got a an EP, New Ghost/Old Waves, that was released on cassette, but should be back on vinyl on March 13th of this year. I see a bit more sunshine in their brand of pop then perhaps the press release mentions, but that’s definitely an added bonus; pretty sure most people will enjoy this simple little jam.


Download: Lovely Bad Things – I Just Want You to Go Away

Show Pics: Literature @ Scoot Inn (2/11)

A light show, four Candelabra bulbs do not make.

My uppance for complaining about the light a few shows back? Perhaps, but I persevered and was able to grab some pics for you from Literature’s set at the Scoot Inn. We’ll have their vinyl available soon, pre-order here people. So in the meantime, no better way to get geeked up than to hit a smaller venue on a busy night to see how the material is shaping up live. It was good, really good.

Rhett & Dean and Neighbor opened. Click through for noisy, but fun pics.

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Brand New Music from Shivery Shakes

One of the local Austin band’s we expect big things from in 2012 is Shivery Shakes.  They’ve just completed an excellent 5 song EP, and they’ve been gracious enough to let us share one of the hits with you.  I picked “Wait” because it’s got a bit of lo-fi haze coating the vocals, but once you get to that chorus, you can’t help but let a grin creep up on your face as your toes tap the floor. But, don’t let this be the only song to illustrate the band’s talents; you better get your hands on their Shivery Shakes EP before they take the rest of Austin by storm.  Austinites should be able to pick it up at Waterloo and End of an Ear soon, the rest of you, hit up the band on their web site, and they’ll gladly hook up you folks up too!


Download:Shivery Shakes – Wait [MP3]

Mellow Bit of Cool from Spanish Prisoners

Late last year, Spanish Prisoners released their album, Golds Fool, via their bandcamp page.  Even with such a quiet release, the band made huge waves on the Internet, and definitely captured our attention.  They’re back now with the second single from that record, which includes two new remixes that you can grab HERE.  It’s a soft number, but it definitely reminds me of the band’s abilities to create emotion evoking songs that you can listen to time and time again.  They’ve also started a Kickstarter Page that will allow the band to travel, bringing their craftsmanship to your ears from coast to coast.  And don’t forget they’ll be popping up at SXSW too! Here’s the original track, “Downtown Chicagoland.”


Download:Spanish Prisoners – Downtown Chicagoland [MP3]

Stellar Track from Grape Street

I’ve been scouring the Internet for some time hoping to find a link to some music from Austin’s Grape Street, and finally it’s showed up.  The band is comprised of Curtis from Harlem, Aaron from Frank Smith and Chris from the Stuffies; the association of these dudes all getting together should be enough to get you excited.  But, if you’ve kept up on the local scene as of late, the group’s been doing an excellent job of creating their own hype by playing their asses off all over town.  No word as to when, or if, we’ll see a release, but you can catch another great track HERE.  Stay tuned as we hope to hear more from these guys!


Download:Grape Street – A Date With You [MP3]

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