R.I.P. Levon Helm

I don’t have much to say here.  My busy life as a teacher made me miss this information all day yesterday and I am finding out just now.  It’s a truly sad day in the music world as we say goodbye to one of the greats Levon Helm.  The Washington Post actually has a pretty awesome recap on Helm’s life for those looking to know more about the legend.  Levon, I know that you didn’t necessarily support the way The Last Waltz turned out, but you sound damn good on this song my friend.  You were one of the reasons why I thought singing while I played the drums was cool despite what my friends said.  You will truly be missed.


Oddball Dance Jam from Phedre

I’ll be the first to admit that I don’t always fall head over heels for predominantly electronic music; it has to do something really special (or just be completely out there) in order for me to get involved in it. This new track from Phedre definitely I really like the vocal sample used in the track, with it’s deep resonation.  It’s just enoug quirkiness to the construction here to keep me interested.  You can find this track and some others on the self-titled debut that is in stores all over the world as we speak.  Happy Friday folks!


Download: Phedre – Aphrodite [MP3]

Dreamy Pop Number from Pure Bathing Culture

It’s been a pretty busy week all around, and I almost let this one slip though my hands, that is until I saw that Pure Bathing Culture is comprised of members of Vetiver, a band we think highly of here around the house.  They’ve compiled four new songs that they recorded with Richard Swift, and that EP should come out on May 22nd via Father/Daughter Records.  While there’s a definite element of haziness at work here, I really love the quality of the vocal, with just a hint of raspy/smoky quality.  It will be interesting to see what a full length effort sounds like, but for now, this EP is doing just fine!


Download:Pure Bathing Culture – Ivory Coast [MP3]

Crafty New Track from Arc in Round

I’m really excited by the possibilities in music nowadays, especially with the layering of various instruments and the varying movements within tracks.  With that in mind, take a listen to this new jam from Arc In Round; you’ll find this song on their self-titled debut, which hits stores on June 5th via La Societe Expeditionnaire. There’s all sort of things occurring within the track, not to mention the actual main piece of music itself, and it all works, it’s all unified.  Perhaps I just like to see how much one can cram into one song and make it still sound structured and beautiful, and if that’s the case, well, so be it; this track works just fine in that sense.


Download:Arc In Round – Hallowed [MP3]

Great Pop Jangling from Sea Pinks

Last year we talked about our adoration for Sea Pinks and their record Dead Seas, which you need to get if you haven’t.  But, I’m here to talk about a new track, sort of; this song, along with several others will comprise The Flip Side cassette being released by the Belfast group next week; it’s basically a collection of B-Sides and demos since the band’s incarnation. Every time I listen to this song, I can’t help but wonder why on Earth it didn’t make a proper album? I mean, it’s got the bounce, a nice cool vocal chorus, and everything else one needs to make a stellar hit! Just think, if these are the sort of tracks the group bangs out as B-Sides, you know something great is about to happen.


Download:Sea Pinks – Staycation [MP3]

Belaire is Back!

Wow, it’s been several years since we’ve heard even a peep from Austin band Belaire.  We here at ATH always loved the band’s live performances and their limited number of physical releases available.  Well now the band is back with a new LP entitled Resonating Symphony due out next week on April 21st via local label Indierect Records.  Until that time, here’s the latest single from the group “This Could Take All Night” which features some tasty pop hooks and irresistible lead female vocals that remind us why we fell in love with this band many years ago.

Also on April 21st, the band are planning a record release show at 29th Street Ballroom in ATX.  The show is only $10 at the door, music is at 10pm, and fellow locals Good Field and Deep Time will provide opening support.


Download: Belaire – This Could Take All Night [MP3]

More New Music From Husky

We knew little to nothing about Australian band Husky when we heard that they signed a deal with indie giant Sub Pop Records.  Now that we’ve had a listen to some of the band’s tuneage, we are offering up our support of the band and their hushed experimental folk style sound.  This new song “History’s Door” will also appear on the band’s upcoming U.S. re-release of their album Forever So.  It’s purty good.


Download: Husky – History’s Door [MP3]

Tiger Waves – Don’t Be Yourself


Rating: ★★★★☆

When I first encountered Austin’s Tiger Waves, I was caught off guard by their experimental inclusion of bits of noise that eventually shifted into snippets of grandiose pop.  However, on their recent release, Don’t Be Yourself, the band tends to switch it the other way around–clearly indicative of a band who have grown in their songwriting capabilities. 

“From the Start” begins with a bit of a noise snippet, but the impressive forcefulness of the track quickly breaks into full stride.  Personally, I like how the lyrics are hiding just a bit behind the music, almost like the classic rock we all grew up jamming to in our parents living room, and then it ends. But, the motif of classic songwriting comes in with the hints of psychedelia that are present on “Quebec.”  Perhaps it’s just that jangling tambourine and the affected vocal that gives it the San Francisco effect, but it fits perfectly with the mood of the entire album.

When Tiger Waves breaks into “I Hope You’ll Feel Alright” you can tell that the band has abilities beyond just living with their influences; they’ve created their own sound with fluid movements amidst many of the tracks.  Here, you get almost a quieted chant from the get go, but the lurking backing vocal seems to make way for the entire group to make some mono-syllabic noise in unison.  And this is where you’ll find Don’t Be Yourself really taking hold of listeners, as the record moves into “Summer.”  It’s the sort of constructive pop that recalls bands like Youth Lagoon or Ducktails, but only done more effectively since they’re utilizing the songwriting of an entire group in the studio.  Layering the vocals atop the music on this track definitely creates special moments that you won’t want to miss.

As Tiger Waves prepare to wrap up the whole affair, they close things out with the perfect juxtaposition of their unique sound.  Of course, “I Love You George Harrison” surely harkens back to the careful craftsmanship alluded to in the song’s title–and I’m sure it would make George proud.  But, then you end Don’t Be Yourself with the hauntingly brilliant “Underground.” It’s the quiet atmospheric touches, mellow pacing and steady dosage of pop writing that initially drew me to this band; it comes full circle as the band closes out this EP, going out in quite a fashion.

Hopefully this isn’t your first introduction to Tiger Waves, but if so, do yourself a favor and spend some time with the group’s music.  If Don’t Be Yourself is anything with which to judge these young lads by, then they’ll probably be around for some time, hopefully writing more great tunes such as these.  You can grab this EP, as well as other great tunes by visiting the band HERE.


Download: Tiger Waves – Underground [MP3]


Show Pics: School of Seven Bells @ Mohawk (4/13)

Finally through this last round of shows. It was Friday the 13th, so I wore a hockey mask. Nah, not really.

School of Seven Bells played the Mohawk. A newly refined two-piece, Benjamin Curtis and Alejandra Deheza brought along an extra keyboard player and drummer to fill out their live line up. They also brought along Exitmusic as the opener.

Head past the break and you will get show notes and plenty of pics.

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New(ish) Music From The Great American Canyon Band

I’ll get it out of the way that I’m just a bit late on reporting about Chicago based husband and wife due The Great American Canyon Band.  It seems like I’ve had this song sitting in my inbox for quite sometime, but just sort of forgot about it till now.  I am making amends on my tardiness to the band by posting their incredible new song “Burn” below.  It’s almost like a mellowed out version of some of the finer tunes by fellow duo Dutchess & The Duke.  However you call it, I dig it.

A 7″ single featuring this and A-side “Tumbleweed” will be available on Record Store Day.


Download: The Great American Canyon Band – Burn [MP3]

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