New Quirky Pop From Slim Twig

For your listening pleasure, I present to you “Gun Shy” from young and promising songwriter Slim Twig.  The tune has a bit of quirkiness about it that’s closely related to our locals Strange Boys.  If you’re liking this one, you can actually stream the band’s entire new album Sof’ Sike over on AOL’s Spinner.  Let us know what ya’ think.


Download: Slim Twig – Gun Shy [MP3]

New Spastic Rock From Ungdomskulen

I’m not exactly sure why this new jam “Askefast” from Norwegian group Ungdomskulen is really perking up my ear drums, but it surely has me paying attention.  It’s a little rough around the edges upon first listen, and I’m sure you see what I mean, yet it seems to grow on me after each spin.  You can almost hear some Mastadon in there mixed with maybe some Ice Choir and Portugal. The Man.  Anyway you want to call it,  the band surely shows a lot of talent.  On September 25th, the band will release their 4th studio album Secrecy worldwide.


Download: Ungdomskulen – Askefast [MP3]

New Music from Dana Falconberry

Alright, so I’m a few weeks behind on this gem from Austinite Dana Falconberry, but better late than never right? Dana will be releasing her latest album Leelanau on October 12th, and if it sounds anything like this tune below, it’s going to win her a huge following.  Her guitar is quiet, almost muted, but her incredible voice really warms you over.  Her playfulness in the middle of the track helps differentiate this number from your average fare, but that’s what I’ve come to expect from Falcoberry’s work.  It’s such an intimate listen, and one that’s ultimately rewarding. Hoping it makes its way onto your playlist.


Download:Dana Falconberry – Lake Charlievoix [MP3]

New Girly Pop from Big Wave

Recently I tossed out a track from Ali K. off the Bi-Weekly Pizza Club from Art Is Hard Records, and the label is back at it again with another short single from UK’s Big Wave.  Unfortunately, you can’t get your hands on the limited edition single as it’s currently sold out, but you can definitely jam out to the track right here. I love the little break down in the middle of the song where they pull back in a sort of stutter to reveal just a the vocals (and a hint of percussion). It’s upbeat and fun, and I figure that never hurts.


Download:Big Wave – Dying on the Vine [MP2]

Revisiting Young Fresh Fellows

A few years back ago I sort of stumbled into Young Fresh Fellows by following the advice of a good Internet friend, and I’m grateful that I got that intro, though seeing as the band involves Scott McCaughey of Minus Five, and currently The Baseball ProjectI should have known already.   The group’s been around since the 80s, though there has often been distance between the releases of quirky power-pop.  Luckily, Yep Roc is about to release Tiempo de Lujo, the group’s newest record.  As they’ve grown older they’ve only gotten better, but since there aren’t any singles from the new LP, I wanted to share a gem off my favorite LP, The Fabulous Sounds of the Pacific Northwest. If you love what you hear, do some research and get to know Young Fresh Fellows.


Download:Young Fresh Fellows – All Messed Up [MP3]

Coastal Jam from American Photo Club

When I first heard this, I knew I recognized that guitar sound (it’s U2 right?), but the hook that hid in the chorus is what let me overlook the slight resemblance here.  American Photo Club have just self-released a new self-titled EP, and it’s filled with gems just like this one, catchy and sprawling.  It’s a good way to continue rocking and rolling this week, filling your ears with “woahs” and a spirited chorus that begs you to sing along.  I don’t know what it is about this jam, but if you like what you hear, you can grab the EP for free from the guys.


Download:American Photo Club – We Are All The Same [MP3]

New Jam from Entertainment

Sometimes with all the hype makings its way over the waves of the Atlantic, we don’t always get to hear about the hard working bands that deserve some love.  Luckily for you, I’m going to introduce you to Entertainment, a British band that recalls slight hints of Dinosaur Jr., but also more mainstream acts like Oasis.  Perhaps I’m way off on that, and hopefully the band doesn’t take it as a slight, but for me, the melding of those two sounds works perfectly here.  There’s anthemic vocals, but distorted cascading guitars that ring loudly in your earbuds.  Definitely a band worth your time today.


Download:Entertainment – Me & You

New Gem from AC Newman

I’m not going to lie to you; I think AC Newman is perhaps one of the best songwriters around.  Sure, a lot of people agree, especially when you throw him with New Pornographers, but I feel like a lot of people overlook his solo efforts (sadly!).  On October 9th Matador Records will be releasing AC’s 3rd record, Shut Down the Streets, and hopefully you’ll listen to this song below and realize just how awesome his songwriting is.  Personally, his voice alone, with its tiny inflections, gets me every time.  Listen here, and try to argue with the gifts of this dude.


Download: AC Newman – I’m Not Talking [MP3]

More New Music From Plateaus

Towards the beginning of summer, we brought you the first taste of this new gritty punk rock band out of California Plateaus.   With the excitement around here about the band back then, you had to know we’d be posting their songs every time a new is sent our way.  This great new song “Stop Messing Around” will appear on the band’s upcoming self-titled debut LP due out October 30th on Art Fag Records.


Download: Plateaus – Stop Messing Around [MP3]

Show Preview: SSLYBY @ Red 7 (8/21)

Date Tuesday, August 21st
Location Red 7
Doors 900 pm
Tickets $8 from Transmission

It’s been a bit of time since I’ve seen Someone Still Loves Your Boris Yeltsin, but having thoroughly enjoyed their recent effort, Tape Club, I think this is going to be the place to be on Tuesday evening.  They’re always energetic, and they know their way around a solid pop track, so your expectations should be high. Oh, and the bill can’t get much better with two great Austin bands, Oh No Oh My and Tiger Waves.  You’ve gotta get there early to see Tiger Waves and support the guys, as they’ve had some rough times on their recent national tour, having lost a van to the ways of the road.  Good pop, good times. Be there.


Download:Someone Still Love You Boris Yeltsin – Sink/Let it Sway [MP3]


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