Blissful Pop Tune from Legs
We were happy to help our friends over at Loglady Records toss a rad party at Trailer Space during SXSW, so in exchange, they gave us this gem of a record from Legs. I’ve got news for you folks, this is going to be your Spring party album. Listening to their first single, it’s got an interesting angle…at first it just seems like a gentle ballad, but the ringing guitar and pounding rhythm section propel it from average jam to certifiable hit. Today is one of those days where things just fit in perfectly. You can expect big things from the band when Pass the Ringo comes out from Loglady on April 23rd.
[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff6600&auto_play=false&show_artwork=false” width=” 100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]
Haven’t heard of Legs before but after listening to “Two Colours,” I’m instantly hooked. Love the guitar tones, something a band like us can take notes from. Bummed we didn’t make it down to SXSW this year.