New Pop Tune from Yellowbirds

artworks-000041576297-xpk0dd-t500x500I went into today not knowing anything about Yellowbirds, but once I hear their single from their forthcoming single, I had to search out more.  There’s something that burrows into your soul when you play this tune; I think part of it has to do with the recording, while the other part is surely the delicious bubblegum quality of Sam Cohen’s vocals.  He’s got a full band working with him, which definitely adds some depth to the sound that swirls around his vocals.  I’m really excited to see what it all sounds like together when Songs from the Vanished Frontier comes out on May 28th from Royal Potato Family. 

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff6600&auto_play=false&show_artwork=false” width=” 100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Great New Jam from Frank Smith

FrankSmith_1I’ve known about this new release from Frank Smith for some time, and I couldn’t be more excited for you all to get to hear Nineties.  If you listen to this track, you’ll definitely see that the band’s made some progressions since their last effort, bringing in more noise, yet in a well-configured manner. Personally, I think this is the best the group have sounded, with all the elements of the group complimenting each other perfectly.  A lot of people are throwing out some pretty high-brow names like Pavement and Sebadoh in relation to the bands best effort, so you know that I’m not bullshitting you when I say you’re going to love this album.


Download: Frank Smith – How Many Ways [MP3]

Dance With Shout Out Out Out

This band will be joining us for SxSW. They are high on my watch list, stay tuned for a little playlist action for you digitally inclined SxSW fence-crashers.

Shout Out Out Out is not a spin off of Shout Out Louds with a stutter. They put out hits and I don’t think they have garnered the attention they deserve, hopefully soon to change. Sweet percussion and brooding synthy basslines with playful keyboard wisps and lofty-affected vocals, I think you’ll dig them. Be sure to check out Spanish Moss and Total Loss on your fave digital outlet. Happy Friday.

They are playing all of SxSW, but the big showcase is the 15th at Old School. The track featured here is going to be on an EP from a live session record at NMC in Clagary (the band is Edmonton based, FWIW).

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”show_artwork=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

If You Don’t Love This Song From Gloss, I H8 You

858197_491491817553534_1238138936_oYeah, I made it easier for us to share in hate.  First, I used text speak, which I abhor, so you can easily hate me.  Second, I came across this brilliant gem from Gloss from their upcoming Front Porch 7″.  What do I like about this tune? Hmm.  I like the gentle quality of the vocals.  I appreciate the crispness of the guitar playing throughout.  Oh, and no matter how many times I play it, it still sounds remarkable to me.  I’m going to play it for the rest of the day, and I’m going to be snarky about it. You can pick up the 7″ from Manic Pop right now…and don’t forget to browse their shop, as they have hits from Blooper and Austin’s Mini Dresses too!


Download: Gloss – Ian’s Dream [MP3]

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