Great Track from The New Tigers

thenewtigersWhile line-up changes are never fun, they sometimes push bands into new horizons, which seems like the place where The New Tigers will go after losing drummer Kece. For me, the first thing I noticed was the spritely step in the bands sound; it’s immediately more playful than anything they’ve created before.  You’ll still find swirling guitar work in the background, but the light-hearted attitude is immediately charming.  You’ll be able to find this track, and others on the band’s second LP, which will be released by our great friends over at Soliti Music.


Download: The New Tigers – Quicksilver [MP3]

Gun Outfit – Hard Coming Down

gun-outfitRating: ★★★★☆

Olympia, Washington’s best kept secret might have been Gun Outfit, that is until people get wind of the incredible piece of work they’ve constructed, and just released.  Hard Coming Down is their third LP for Post Present Medium, and according to press, the first that includes bass.  I don’t care much about any of that, other than I can’t get enough of their blend of Sonic Youth meets Built to Spill meets Dinosaur Jr meets rock n’ roll.

Hard Coming Down almost opens up softly, with a relaxed female vocal from Carrie Keith, but that doesn’t stick around for too long.  Guitars begin to ring out loudly and angular-ly, while drums pound heavily in the background.  Of course, the Sonic Youth attribute does exist in the opener, with the band going from soft to hard in a flash, though Keith has more of a sweetness to her vocal as opposed to Kim Gordon.  From here the album goes into one of its many highlights with “Lau Blues,” with Dylan Sharp offering up his drawn out vocals for a change in the album’s dynamic.  Here you’ll find the same sharpness to the guitars, though they have a country-fied meandering to them, all working around Sharp’s vocal.

While it’s easy to throw these guys in a grab bag of various alt-rock favorites, they manage to make the sound entirely their own.  For instance, the opening guitar work on “I’ve Got a Gift” surely has that fast paced guitar/bass battle working, but it’s the approach that changes things up.  Rather than let the guitar create direction, it’s the vocals here (Sharp again) that dictate where the track will go.  It’s almost a country-jam, though the pace might be too quick for that allusion.  There’s also “Death Drive,” which combines some Mascis-esque vocal tones, but the drumming alone is something that allows this song to step outside of the shadows of their fore-fathers.  Personally, I dig the juxtaposed vocals on this track between Sharp and Keith.

Of course, you’re going to have to pick your favorite singer between Sharp and Keith, and today, I’m sticking with Carrie.  Her voice on the twangy “Fallen Sun Song” is one of her best, and the more I listen to it, the more I see a haunting darkness lurking beneath the soft cover.  Or you can go back to “High Price to Pay” where she sounds more life-worn.  Wherever she pops up, it’s with purpose, providing a distinctive sound that elevates the entire record.  But, I assure you Dylan’s performances aren’t too shabby either.

Up until now I had really only been familiar with Dim Light, the group’s last album, but Hard Coming Down just continues to grow spiritually within me, especially when you bust out the vinyl version.  Gun Outfit has been on the tip of everyone’s tongue, but this album secures the band’s spot as one of the brightest stars on the musical horizon.

Show Review: Caveman @ The Parish (4/1)

I hadn’t really been out and about, at least not to a proper show, since SXSW.  But, with the Brooklyn act, Caveman, coming to town with their friends Pure Bathing Culture, I thought it would be the perfect time to venture out; it didn’t hurt that they bands would be playing at the Parish, which always has great sounds.

Read on for my thoughts on the bands and your typical excellent shots from B. Gray.

Read more

Pleased to Meet You: Hanna Cash

tumblr_mkdn4mcnEE1r821dno1_1364484695_coverYou know I have a penchant for really great jangling pop music, so it’s no surprise that my introduction to Hanna Cash encouraged me to share it with you.  The guitars on this tune have a nice ringing quality, while the drums steady the pace.  All the while, you’ll find the lyrics soothing, almost yearning for you to fall in love here.  Oh, and did I mention that the band is from Manchester, so their sound will continue to grow, backed by a huge history that continues to leave us with endearing bands.

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Bright Pop From Airplanes

artworks-000032959104-ct80ee-originalBack in November, I brought you guys a taste of a new Fayettville based group going by the name Airplanes.  Today I’m excited to share another new song from the band called “A Little Light” that shows a bit more quality in production when compared to the previous song I shared.  You’ll notice the bright and sunny side of the song that’s something could make your day a little better.  Hope you enjoy.

Stay tuned to April 19th for the release of the band’s new EP on Manic Pop Records.

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Rose Melberg Warms Hearts with PUPS

246720085-1Is there another lady that works as hard as Rose Melberg?  I’m thinking know, especially now that I discovered this new band she’s working with via Bloodbuzzed.  PUPS just put up their self-titled EP last week for the NYOP fee (remember not to rip off your favorite artists).  I’m really impressed with the drumming on this tune, not to mention the refreshing vocals; it’s amazing how the tightly sloppy drumming can work so well with the quality of the voice.  You definitely need to spend some time today falling in love with this track, as you’ll be better off for it.


Download: PUPS – Take Your Shoes Off [MP3]

Beautiful Tune From Cloud Boat

1848I’ll start by saying that I realize I’m a bit late on this new tune so pardon me.  Now that we’ve put that aside, let’s all revel in the beauty that is “Youthern” by London duo Cloud Boat.  It’s hard to describe how much I enjoy this simple tune, but I find it irresistible and enchanting with the soft vocals and well mixed backing beat.  I’ll save anymore words and just see if you feel what I’m feeling.

Cloud Boat will be releasing a full album entitled Book of Hours coming your way on May 20th via R&S Records.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff6600&auto_play=false&show_artwork=false” width=” 100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Brighten Your Day with Songs for Walter

coverCloudy days always seem to go one or two directions, musically speaking.  I can delve into my sad bastard catalogue, or venture about for some good old fashioned pop gems.  I’m going to do both, but I’m going to share this new Songs for Walter track in hopes that it will pick you up today. Main man Laurie Hulme has a great voice to accompany his pop balladry, and he’s agreed to release a song a month until his next proper full length is ready.  I like the light instrumentation here, with the crisp string sound really doing its job to win me over.  Pay attention to his label, Bleeding Gold, as they’re likely to keep you in the know about future single and that full-length right around the corner.


Download: Songs for Walter – Family Hold Back [MP3]

Pop Goodness with Victory

5a.180425It’s amazing to me what the recording process has evolved into over the last several years, allowing one man to really do all the work on his own, much like Victory, the project of multi-instrumentalist Robert Fleming.  His new record, Victory is Music, will be out on April 23rd and it’s filled with catchy hooks and straight-forward pop tunes.  The newest single “Woman” has some vocal inflections that come across as stuttering pop perfection; I also like the fuzz on the guitar.  Something about this jam reminds me of Britt Daniels, so that can’t be a bad thing now can it? Try it on for yourself.


Download: Victory – Woman [MP3]

Down Trodden Rock from Gun Outfit

Gun_OutfitIf you’re looking for something special to get your hands on this week then I suggest you pick up the new album from Gun Outfit; it’s titled Hard Coming Down and it’s seeing release from PPM Records.  One listen through and you’ll definitely get the picture of where this record is going to go, knocking back guitar licks with a bit of nostalgia, as well as some exploration into working with negative space within a tune.  I get the impression that the group listened to a lot of Build to Spill records when their Sonic Youth albums had been worn out.  I think you’ll all have fun listening to this new LP.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff6600&auto_play=false&show_artwork=false” width=” 100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

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